Calgary Herald

‘An absurd use of our union dues’

CUPE statement on Venezuela draws scorn


OTTAWA • Some Venezuelan members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees are demanding the union retract or amend its controvers­ial statement about Venezuela’s political situation, which they say contains “patently false” claims.

But in an internal memo, obtained by the National Post, CUPE’s national president Mark Hancock has doubled down on the union’s position “publicly objecting to the Trudeau government’s interventi­ons in Venezuela,” saying last week that the union stands by its previous statement and won’t be saying anything new.

Two teaching assistants at the University of Toronto, Daniel Indacochea and Giancarlo Fiorella, are among those raising concerns with their local union reps. “I have no reason to think that our local executives were even aware that this statement was even being made,” Fiorella told the Post.

CUPE’s statement said President Nicolas Maduro was “duly elected by the people,” despite the jailing of much of his political opposition ahead of elections last May. The union took issue with the Canadian government’s support for an interim president in Juan Guaido, the leader of the country’s opposition-controlled legislativ­e assembly, and instead advocated Canada engage with the internatio­nal community “to foster dialogue and peace between the elected government and the opposition.”

Hancock’s memo called it “a real stretch,” however, to draw from the statement that CUPE supports the Maduro government. “We have certainly received emails and phone calls expressing some anger with our position, but it’s worth noting that the vast majority of them have been from non-members (and many have been from outside of Canada)," the memo said. It clarified that “CUPE does not support Maduro,” and said it supports the Canadian government’s decision to increase humanitari­an aid funding for the people of Venezuela.

Maduro has been blockading a bridge at the country’s land border with Colombia in an apparent attempt to prevent humanitari­an shipments from entering the country. Other abuses of power, including the murder and imprisonme­nt of political opponents, have been documented by internatio­nal observers including a panel of human rights experts who investigat­ed Maduro’s regime for the Organizati­on of American States. Canada joined a group of countries in September who are referring Maduro’s government to the Internatio­nal Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.

That Maduro is the legitimate president of the country is “patently false,” opined Fiorella, who has relatives in Venezuela.

“And anybody who has even sort of a cursory understand­ing and knowledge of what’s happening in Venezuela would be able to tell you that. So we’re afraid that whoever wrote that statement has no idea about the history of the country over the past few years.”

Francisco Ortiz, a flight attendant with Air Canada, is a member of CUPE Local 4092. He, too, is Venezuelan — he’s taken to walking around Toronto on days off with a sign that says, “Thanks for your support of Venezuela” — and disputes that there was ever a legitimate election.

“The situation’s getting worse. I haven’t been able to go home for two years,” said Ortiz. He said the union’s statement undermines Canada’s efforts to restore democracy in his country. He wrote to Hancock with his concerns but said he didn’t receive a reply.

“I pay my union dues for the union to represent me, not to screw me around,” he said.

Indacochea said he believes if the union was trying to present the issue fairly, it would not have claimed Maduro was the legitimate elected president without mentioning that his popular opponents had been jailed or barred from running against him. “The lack of objectivit­y really bothered me. And also, I thought the letter had a political tinge. For instance, it would say well, Trump thinks this, and now the Liberals do too, therefore the position is bad,” he said. “Trump may think two and two is four. That doesn’t invalidate arithmetic.”

Indacochea added he was “shocked” to read that CUPE was providing funding to an organizati­on called Common Frontiers, which sent labour and ecumenical representa­tives to Venezuela last year to observe its elections.

The group came back reporting that Venezuela had exhibited a “gold standard” for democracy, glossing over Maduro’s abuses of power. A spokesman told the Post CUPE provides funding to Common Frontiers, but said the groups worked together primarily on North American trade issues.

Still, Fiorella called into question why union dues would be put toward internatio­nal advocacy in the first place. “I don’t want my money going into, like, weird trips to authoritar­ian countries. It’s just so outrageous,” Fiorella said. “It’s such an absurd use of our union dues.”

 ?? JACK BOLAND / POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES ?? An internal memo from CUPE national president Mark Hancock, right, called it a “real stretch” to draw from a statement that CUPE supports the Maduro government.
JACK BOLAND / POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES An internal memo from CUPE national president Mark Hancock, right, called it a “real stretch” to draw from a statement that CUPE supports the Maduro government.

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