Calgary Herald

Teen builds arm using Lego


David Aguilar has built himself a robotic prosthetic arm using Lego pieces after being born without a right forearm due to a rare genetic condition.

Aguilar, 19, who studies bioenginee­ring at the Universita­t Internacio­nal de Catalunya in Spain, is already using his fourth model of the colourful prosthetic and his dream is to design affordable robotic limbs for those who need them.

Once his favourite toys, the plastic bricks became the building material for Aguilar’s first, still very rudimentar­y, artificial arm at the age of nine, and each new version had more movement capability than the one before.

“As a child I was very nervous to be in front of other guys, because I was different, but that didn’t stop me believing in my dreams,” said Aguilar, who is from Andorra, a tiny principali­ty between Spain and France.

“I wanted to ... see myself in the mirror like I see other guys, with two hands,” added Aguilar, who uses the artificial arm only occasional­ly and is self-sufficient without it.

All the versions are on display in his room in the university residence on the outskirts of Barcelona. The latest models are marked MK followed by the number — a tribute to comic book superhero Iron Man and his MK armour suits.

Aguilar, who uses Lego pieces provided by a friend, proudly displayed a red-and-yellow, fully functional robotic arm built when he was 18, bending it in the elbow joint and flexing the grabber as the electric motor inside whirred.

A presentati­on video on his YouTube channel that he runs under the nickname Han Solo says his aim is to show people that nothing is impossible and disability cannot stop them.

After graduating from university, he wants to create affordable prosthetic solutions for people who need them.

“I would try to give them a prosthetic, even if it’s for free,” said Aguilar, “to make them feel like a normal person, because what is normal, right?”

 ?? REUTERS ?? David Aguilar, 19, displays his Lego arm. The plastic brick toys became the building material for his first rudimentar­y limb at age nine.
REUTERS David Aguilar, 19, displays his Lego arm. The plastic brick toys became the building material for his first rudimentar­y limb at age nine.

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