Calgary Herald

China simply out to squeeze the world


Re: Chinese project holds many benefits for Alberta, Opinion, May 25

In regards to Chinese Consul General Lu Xu’s column exhorting Albertans to participat­e in China’s Belt and Road initiative, it is time for the world to recognize China for what it is. A bully who sees the rest of the world as an orange to be squeezed for the benefit of the Chinese Communist Party.

The carrot that China waves is access to the huge Chinese market. This is largely an illusion. China is not a free-market economy. It is not interested in foreign countries operating in China. Nor is it willing to let foreign interests acquire Chinese companies.

What it is interested in is our natural resources to fuel their manufactur­ing economy. It is also interested in Canadian consumers buying their high value-added manufactur­ed goods.

It is not a country that recognizes the rights of individual citizens or private foreign companies. It views hostage taking as a legitimate conflict-resolution mechanism, knowing that Canada can’t reciprocat­e. This was made very clear when two Canadians, Michael Korvig and Michael Spavor, were illegally arrested.

It is time for individual Canadians to push back. Think when you buy “Made in China” goods. Think when you consider that trip to see the Great Wall. Enough is enough!

Kent Barrett, Calgary money to keep city golf courses and Heritage Park running. I hope saner heads prevail and decide that what we already have that is used by the citizens of Calgary is important — no more condo complexes please!

Nancy Beamish, Calgary

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