Calgary Herald

Critic urges temporary ban on Facebook

Ideas pitched at summit on data and democracy


The only way to get leverage over massive technology companies is to ban them entirely, an internatio­nal assembly of politician­s heard on Tuesday.

“The most effective path to reform would be to shut down the platforms,” said Roger McNamee, the author of Zucked, a critical biography of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

The ban wouldn’t necessaril­y be permanent, but just until countries could get a handle on how data is being used to predict and manipulate behaviour among users, said McNamee. That kind of activity, particular­ly the manipulati­on of behaviour, is “repugnant,” he said.

McNamee pointed to Sri Lanka, which banned social media sites in the wake of a series of co-ordinated terrorist attacks, as an example. That ban lasted nine days and was an attempt to stop people from spreading misinforma­tion, confusion and inciting violence in the days after the attacks.

McNamee’s proposal was just one of the ideas pitched at the Internatio­nal Grand Committee on Big Data, Privacy and Democracy held in Ottawa on Tuesday. The committee is part of a worldwide effort to bring massive companies like Google and Facebook to heel on such issues as privacy, hate speech and disinforma­tion.

With Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s absence illustrate­d by an empty committee chair — a piece of Westminste­r theatre that also played out at the first meeting of the grand committee in the United Kingdom last fall — politician­s considered the possibilit­y of subjecting the social media magnate to personal liability for corporate decisions, a measure recommende­d by Research in Motion founder Jim Balsillie.

“I guarantee you that sobers the mind and introduces a kind of prudence and conservati­sm into their behaviour,” said Balsillie, who came to the hearing bearing an arsenal of ideas, including banning targeted advertisin­g during the election campaign altogether.

“During elections we have a lot of things you’re not allowed to do for six or eight weeks. Just add that to the package,” said Balsillie.

The discussion about the ban came the heels of Google’s announceme­nt that it can’t comply with the government’s new election advertisin­g rules and will therefore not be running political ads in the 2019 election.

Balsillie’s proposal would effectivel­y legislate what Google has chosen to do for technical reasons, although the company was castigated at a committee hearing about the decision.

“The one observatio­n I would make is there are stringent expectatio­ns on commercial companies for data protection. What we’ve heard recurring from this committee and others over the years is that there should be similar obligation­s on parties,” said Colin McKay, Google’s head of public policy in Canada, referring to the fact that Canada’s political parties are not subject to any privacy rules. One of Balsillie’s six proposals was to bring political parties under some kind of privacy regime.

Balsillie said that if the big tech companies pull out of various jurisdicti­ons due to regulation, as Google has done on election advertisin­g, “that’s the best news possible.”

Politician­s who use the platforms to reach out to voters were split on the issue.

“Personally I don’t have a problem if it’s banned on these platforms,” said New Democratic Party MP Charlie Angus, who is vice-chair of the privacy committee. Angus warned that any rules would have to extend to third-party groups, like Ontario Proud, a conservati­ve Facebook page that has nearly half a million subscriber­s.

Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, who is also a vice-chair of the House privacy committee, said broad, issue-based targeting for political parties can be a good thing.

“If I know you care about climate change and I want you to know about my climate-change policy, then a targeted ad seems useful and important,” he said.

Facebook’s representa­tive in Canada agreed that ads can be an important part of the democratic conversati­on.

“The parliament of Canada has been very clear that the right thing to do for regulating election advertisem­ents online is to maximize transparen­cy,” said Kevin Chan, the head of public policy for Facebook. “In many respects it would be easier, but digital advertisin­g has been an incredibly democratiz­ing force for businesses and campaigner­s.”

Facebook has pledged to comply with the government’s election advertisin­g rules, but much of the committee revolved around Zuckerberg’s absence.

British MP Ian Lucas referred to his no-show as an “act of recidivism” and expressed frustratio­n that he wasn’t present to answer questions about the Cambridge Analytica controvers­y.

“I’ve never seen a situation where a corporate head ignores a legal summons,” said Angus. The committee passed a motion allowing Zuckerberg and Sandberg to be formally issued a summons whenever they visit Canada “for any reason.”

If they come here “for a tech conference or to go fishing” they will be issued a summons, said Angus. If that summons is refused, the executives could be held in contempt.

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