Calgary Herald



Resurrecte­d XFL the latest startup to offer football players a place to earn a paycheque The Canadian Football League received an unexpected bit of good news this week, and that news was: Landry Jones.

I will admit when the email landed that said Landry Jones was the first player to sign with the reincarnat­ed XFL, my first thought was “Oh? I’ve heard of that guy.” It’s a low bar, admittedly, but signing players with at least a dash of NFL pedigree would seem to give the XFL at least a little in the way of early-stage credibilit­y.

Then I took a closer look and changed my mind. I remembered Jones as a former collegiate star and the understudy to Ben Roethlisbe­rger with the Pittsburgh Steelers. Both those things are true. But he is also 30 years old and did not play at all in the NFL last season. Nor will he, evidently, this coming season.

The Steelers cut him on the eve of last season, and Jacksonvil­le and Oakland signed him and released him in the months since. And so, in five NFL seasons, he made five starts. He threw for 1,310 yards, or a good Pat Mahomes month, with eight touchdowns and seven intercepti­ons. The last time he was a regular starter was seven years ago,

in Oklahoma, and by the time the XFL debuts next spring it will be about two years since he played a game that counted.

Keep in mind, the XFL made a point of announcing on Thursday: We got Landry Jones! First player in league history! (Double finger-guns.)

Perhaps all they were hoping for was the same reaction across the football world that I had: hey, I have heard of him.

It’s a weird way to build excitement in your fledgling league.

The CFL, of course, is the furthest thing from fledgling. Second-oldest championsh­ip trophy in North American pro sports, and all that. As recently as last fall, the prospect of two planned spring football leagues in the United States loomed as some degree of a competitiv­e threat: the would-be Alliance of American Football and the reconstitu­ted XFL. Each had wealthy, connected people involved and they were promising base salaries considerab­ly higher than those of the CFL, and a schedule that fit better with players who still harboured thoughts of an NFL career. Play for one of the new leagues in the spring, perform well, and go straight into an NFL camp.

The CFL has seen off many such threats over the decades, but if one ever does stick, it would represent something of a crisis for the Canadian league’s talent base. Certain wiseacre columnists — whistles idly, shuffles feet — wondered at the Grey Cup last year if either the AAF or the XFL would be the one to do it.

But the AAF came and went before it even completed a season, with Carolina Hurricanes owner Tom Dundon bizarrely arriving to be its saviour and then its executione­r in a matter of weeks.

Now it is the XFL’S turn.

The league went through a series of head coach announceme­nts already, with most of the names recognizab­le to football fans: Bob Stoops, June Jones, Marc Trestman and, er, Jim Zorn. But finding coaches was always going to be the easy part, as there are far more of them than there are high-profile profession­al coaching jobs.

Finding players is the greater challenge, and announcing Landry Jones as the marquee first signing only underscore­s that point.

The XFL says it plans to sign seven more “leading” quarterbac­ks before a draft in October — confusingl­y, players sign with the league first, then enter a draft to find out where they will play — and it expects a good chunk of its talent pool will be filled by those players who are among the final cuts at NFL camps over the next few weeks.

But many such players would rather try to hang on and land on a different NFL team, or even its practice squad, before signing up with Vince Mcmahon’s latest pet project. Jones is the only example because he’s the only guy signed, but he’s not an up-and-comer trying to use the XFL as a springboar­d to the NFL, he’s someone who likely realized his NFL days are over and so he will make some money this way. Feel the excitement!

Potential XFL roster-building issues aside, what the AAF experience proved, again, is these ventures are extremely costly. Even with decent early television ratings and games in a few venues that were moderately well-attended, the AAF went through money like poop through a goose. Mcmahon seems willing to suffer steep losses to see the XFL through the lean years, but that was supposed to be the idea behind Dundon’s AAF interventi­on, too.

None of this is to say it is all sunshine and rainbows in the CFL. The Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto franchises are all enveloped in various states of crisis, and the new CFL 2.0 positionin­g as a global aggregator of football talent has not been a rousing success out of the gate, unless you put an awful lot of weight on the fact a fellow from France has made two special teams tackles for the Edmonton Eskimos.

Finding players is the greater challenge, and announcing Landry Jones as the marquee first signing only underscore­s that point.

 ?? JARED WICKERHAM/GETTY IMAGES ?? Landry Jones was a backup quarterbac­k with the Pittsburgh Steelers for a few years but was out of the NFL last season. Now he’s being touted as the first player to sign with the resurrecte­d XFL, run by World Wrestling Entertainm­ent promoter Vince Mcmahon.
JARED WICKERHAM/GETTY IMAGES Landry Jones was a backup quarterbac­k with the Pittsburgh Steelers for a few years but was out of the NFL last season. Now he’s being touted as the first player to sign with the resurrecte­d XFL, run by World Wrestling Entertainm­ent promoter Vince Mcmahon.
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