Calgary Herald

City council unanimousl­y approves resolution opposing Quebec’s Bill 21


A motion brought forward by Coun. George Chahal calling for Calgary to formally oppose Bill 21 in Quebec received the unanimous support of city council Monday.

Chahal described the law, which prohibits some public servants from wearing religious symbols, as “regressive in intent and bigoted in effect.”

“I have a direct understand­ing of its impact,” he said while introducin­g the motion. “My father wears a turban, as his father did ... They immigrated to Canada and were victims of racial abuse. In 1991, my father was asked to remove his turban or use the back door when entering the Red Deer branch of the Royal Canadian Legion for a private event — a moment that not only galvanized Canadians in his support, but also brought forth racial abuse.”

Coun. Jyoti Gondek proposed that council ask the Canadian Coalition of Municipali­ties Against Racism and Discrimina­tion to create a nationwide initiative that addresses the harms of Bill 21 and its impact to the unity, reputation and well-being of Canada — an action that was added to the motion.

Mayor Naheed Nenshi said one of the reasons Calgary city council should oppose the Quebec bill is because it is “a remarkable encroachme­nt by a provincial government on municipal rights” by telling cities who they can and cannot hire.

“But of course there is much more to it than that,” he added. “There are those that argue that this bill is about a religiousl­y neutral sphere; it’s about keeping the public space neutral and accessible to everyone; it’s about the separation of church and state. It is none of those things. In fact, it is exactly the opposite ...

“It does not treat all faiths the same way ... It’s deliberate­ly targeting Muslim women, baptized Sikhs who wear the turban, and Jewish men, mostly, who wear the kippah.”

Tejinder Singh Sidhu, vice-president of the World Sikh Organizati­on in Alberta, said Bill 21 is creating “second-class citizens” in 2019.

Sidhu said he would like to see more jurisdicti­ons speak out against the Quebec law.

“We hope that this spurs on other municipali­ties and provincial government­s and, of course, federal leaders, to be able to take action,” he said.

With files from Meghan Potkins

My father wears a turban, as his father did ... They immigrated to Canada and were victims of racial abuse. GEORGE CHAHAL, councillor

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