Calgary Herald



On side with climate skeptic

Re: Climate change ‘science not settled’: trustee; Edmonton public school board to allow students to attend action event on Friday, Sept. 26 Kudos to Edmonton school trustee Sherry Adams for standing up to the onslaught of climate change disinforma­tion. She was the lone voice to make a call for both sides of the climate change debate to be taught in school so students are given the chance to draw their own conclusion­s instead of being told what to believe. The other trustees even referenced the fully debunked claim that 97 per cent of scientists believe in man-made climate change as a reason to override Adams.

The school system should not be used to brainwash our children and more trustees like Sherry Adams would be appreciate­d.

Brad Bakuska, Calgary

Conservati­ves don’t know the science

Way smarter people than our college dropout premier have presented the hard facts on climate change. The fossil fuel and cattle industry are not sustainabl­e and are destroying our environmen­t. The vast majority of our conservati­ve government have never done research, read a scientific paper or have a clue how to interpret data, yet feel they can lead us to the promised land.

Watching our premier driving his gas-sucking pickup truck fighting his imaginary environmen­tal conspiracy does not inspire confidence in the future. This is a time for leadership, action and intelligen­ce.

Remember the names of our government and business leaders who are leading us into the abyss and make sure they are held accountabl­e for their ignorance.

Ian Wishart, Calgary

All leaders failing to unite country

Re: Canada needs a ‘National Dream of Prosperity’

Opinion, Sept. 27

A thousand thanks to George Brookman for sharing his dream of prosperity for all Canadian citizens. His call to create, rather than deride and shame, brings hope at this time of election fearmonger­ing and blustering to garner votes by handing out candy promises to voters as if they are uneducated children who must be soothed by more gifts. We are not. We can see through the smoke and mirrors.

Jan Boydol, Calgary

Court ruling sets a bad precedent

Re: Parents cleared of son’s death in second trial; Judge finds no fault with couple who treated sick boy with herbs, Sept. 20

The decision to set David and Collet Stephan free gives voodoo medical treatments legal status. To prevent the painful deaths of other infants by unproven treatments in the future, the decision must be appealed immediatel­y.

I could have forgiven them if they had apologized and started a campaign to stop homemade remedies being used to treat sick children. However, from what I read and saw the couple did not show any remorse.

Keith Keers, Calgary


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