Calgary Herald

Sajjan slammed for attending gala honouring China


Canada’s defence minister has drawn criticism for his recent appearance at a reception in Vancouver during which he stood on stage alongside the Chinese consul-general.

The gala event Sept. 22 at a restaurant in Chinatown was organized by the Chinese Benevolent Associatio­n of Vancouver, an umbrella organizati­on for dozens of business and cultural associatio­ns, to celebrate the 70th anniversar­y of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Besides Sajjan, other attendees included Tong Xiaoling, the Chinese consul-general in Vancouver, and her deputies, as well as Bruce Ralston, B.C.’S minister of jobs, trade and technology, and George Chow, the B.C. minister of state for trade.

As pictures from the event circulated on social media over the past week, some observers said it was inappropri­ate for Canadian politician­s to participat­e in such an event when two Canadians, Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, continue to be detained overseas.

“I don’t think our politician­s should attend the PRC 70th Anniversar­y at this moment while PRC retains our Canadians with no reason for over 9 months,” Mabel Tung, chair of the Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement, said in an email.

Tung also said the underminin­g of human rights — she cited the treatment of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong and the persecutio­n of Uyghur Muslims — were also reasons to stay away from China national day events.

“Canada should, with other leaders of the world, stand up against ever-encroachin­g authoritar­ianism from the PRC,” she wrote.

Stephanie Carvin, a professor of internatio­nal affairs at Carleton University, tweeted that it was “extremely odd” that Sajjan would attend an event celebratin­g the founding of the Chinese Communist Party “at a time (when) China is holding two Canadians hostage in retaliatio­n for a perceived slight against a state-championed company.” She was referring to the arrest last December of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou.

But Todd Lane, a spokesman for Sajjan, said Monday that Sajjan attended the event in his capacity as a candidate for the Vancouver South riding and didn’t stay long.

“During the event, Mr. Sajjan delivered brief remarks where he spoke of the long-standing focus of the organizati­on on promoting diversity and their efforts to grant Chinese-canadians the right to vote. Mr. Sajjan took the opportunit­y to state that the Chinese government needed to address the consular cases of the two arbitraril­y detained Canadians. … Shortly following the remarks, Mr. Sajjan departed. … Mr. Sajjan did not stay for dinner.”

According to the Chinese Benevolent Associatio­n of Vancouver’s website, nearly 1,000 people attended the gala event. The dinner was preceded by speeches that extolled the growth of China’s urban middle class and called for the restoratio­n of order in Hong Kong.

The benevolent associatio­n, a non-profit that has been in existence for over a century, came under scrutiny this summer when it placed large ads in Canadian Chinese-language newspapers denouncing protesters in Hong Kong as “radicals.”

The associatio­n did not respond to a request for comment on Monday.

Fenella Sung, a member of Canadian Friends of Hong Kong, acknowledg­ed Monday it might be unavoidabl­e for some Canadian officials to attend such functions because of Canada’s diplomatic ties with China.

“Interactio­ns as such are part of the ‘unnecessar­y evil’ that comes with having formal ties,” she wrote in a statement. “But we can apply a ‘harm reduction’ strategy to actively manage the interactio­n, and attending their functions doesn’t mean our officials have to do everything on their terms.”


For instance, instead of sending elected officials, lower-ranking civil servants could attend, she suggested.

Some Canadian politician­s have opted to not participat­e in anniversar­y events. Toronto Mayor John Tory, who had previously attended an annual Chinese flag-raising ceremony outside City Hall, chose to pass on the event on Monday, his spokesman said.

“The Mayor is hopeful that in the very near future a resolution will be found to a number of issues between Canada and China which are of great concern to him and to all of the people of Toronto who strongly believe in addressing issues at home and abroad respectful­ly and with due process,” Don Peat said in a statement. “The only way democracy prevails is by allowing free speech and free expression in our society. While the Chinese consulate is permitted to raise its flag on its national day, people are also free to object to that and to protest it.”

Though not related to the PRC anniversar­y, a Chinese consulate-sponsored cocktail reception at the annual convention of the Union of British Columbia Municipali­ties last week also drew protests from some municipal leaders.

Port Coquitlam Mayor Brad West led a group of anti-chinese government protesters into the hotel where they placed two boxes of Tim Hortons doughnuts and pictures of Kovrig and Spavor at the entrance to the reception.

 ?? CBAVANCOUV­ER.COM ?? Harjit Sajjan, centre, stands alongside Vancouver’s Chinese consul-general, Tong Xiaoling, in black, at a reception
in Vancouver’s Chinatown celebratin­g the 70th anniversar­y of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
CBAVANCOUV­ER.COM Harjit Sajjan, centre, stands alongside Vancouver’s Chinese consul-general, Tong Xiaoling, in black, at a reception in Vancouver’s Chinatown celebratin­g the 70th anniversar­y of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

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