Calgary Herald

To cut or not to cut, that is the Kenney question

There is no reason why we can’t balance Alberta’s books

- CHRIS NELSON Chris Nelson is a regular columnist for the Calgary Herald.

It took some doing, but I managed to find a bolthole to escape the tumultuous week ahead here in Alberta.

Yep, there aren’t many places left in North America where the internet, smartphone­s and social media fear to tread, but the bottom of the Grand Canyon is one of them.

Actually, I planned this daunting Arizona hiking trip before the dates of the federal election and provincial budget were announced, so I wasn’t really trying to flee reality.

But honestly, considerin­g what’s in store for our province, I’m happy to lay low tonight at the Bright Angel Campground, beside the mighty Colorado River, blissfully unable to discover the immediate extent of the political and financial fallout. Oh well, assuming I make it back up to the rim come Friday — on average a dozen folk die in the canyon each year — it will await.

It’s an age-old newspaper tradition — one of few still standing — that you don’t comment on an election on voting day. So, being in this game long enough to remember Linotype machines, I’m clinging to such polite precedent.

So, instead, let’s ponder Jason Kenney’s first budget, due to be unveiled Thursday. Heck, we’ve waited long enough to see what the UCP head honcho comes up with, following those weird years enduring the New Democrats’ brazen blitzkrieg of government borrowing.

Certainly, Kenney has a strong mandate to roll back the endless overspendi­ng that has consumed so many needless billions of Albertans’ dollars during the past dozen or so years — the latter-day PCS made Joe Ceci look almost prudent, for heaven’s sake.

The big question, however, is whether he will, to quote the dauntless Lady Macbeth, screw his courage to the sticking place? Or will Kenney favour the confused, indecisive Hamlet of Act 2 as a role model?

My guess? He’ll take the Prince of Denmark route. Politician­s of all stripes usually do.

We will undoubtedl­y see some spending restrictio­ns and trimming of the most obvious fat. Hopefully, those in our medical and higher learning institutio­ns, who have waxed lyrical about the dangers of climate change, will be only too happy to do their little bit by gladly accepting less moolah from a treasury in which resource revenues are falling. Maybe I’ll hear their heartfelt cheers all the way down in the depths of the canyon.

But will we see a balanced budget? Not a chance. Kenney might yap about how we can’t keep spending more than we bring in but, when it comes to actually biting the bullet and stopping doing so, he’ll instead troop off to Wall Street and borrow ever more billions.

The excuse will be this can’t be done overnight — total rubbish, because, of course, it can, though it will cause all manner of nasty argy-bargy — and that future GDP growth along with regular restraint will balance our books in four or five years.

This is the usual blather from politician­s who’ve regaled us with more five-year plans than Stalin, for heaven’s sake. It’s endless “next-year country” stuff, promised by those with fat pension plan payouts to look forward to.

There’s absolutely no reason we can’t balance Alberta’s books at a single stroke if the political will was there to do so.

The longer we stretch out the process the more likelihood things go economical­ly awry, protests gather steam, natural disasters strike and re-elections loom.

Because, to infringe upon the federal vote issue for a moment, what’s ahead for Alberta might entail ever-decreasing resource revenue and a long-term slowdown. The time to stop borrowing is now — we need such fiscal strength for the battles ahead.

Kenney has the mandate, the backing of an independen­t commission that looked at Alberta finances, and knows relying on future energy-based prosperity is akin to endlessly betting zero at roulette.

But he won’t do it. Talks a good game, though. Anyhow, I’ll look forward to hearing all about Kenney’s multi-year, balancing plan when I (hopefully) reappear.

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