Calgary Herald

Nenshi could be voice for the West

Trudeau to declare his cabinet Nov. 20

- brodie_thomas

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau still has nearly a month to figure out how he’ll work Western Canada representa­tion into his cabinet, and speculatio­n is swirling that Calgary’s mayor might be tapped for the role.

The prime minister said he’ll announce his cabinet Nov. 20, and that it will have gender parity. He’s also said he won’t seek a coalition government, which would appear to rule out having Edmonton NDP Mp-elect Heather Mcpherson join the cabinet.

But comments made by Trudeau have some speculatin­g that he might turn to Mayor Naheed Nenshi to be the West’s voice in his cabinet.

Speaking to reporters Wednesday at his first news conference since being re-elected, Trudeau mentioned the mayor by name.

“I spoke with both premiers of Alberta and Saskatchew­an (Tuesday), but I’m also speaking with people like Mayor Naheed Nenshi and others, to talk about how we can make sure the concerns — the very real concerns of Alberta — are being addressed by this government.”

Calls to the mayor’s office Thursday morning were not returned, but in an interview on Business News Network on Wednesday, Nenshi did not say “no” to the idea.

“I’ve got a pretty big job now, but I am also a loyal Canadian; I am a non-partisan,” he said.

“That’s why I wear purple every day — it’s red and blue. And I am always willing to help anybody who’s seeking public service to help do what’s best for this place.”

Philippe Lagasse, associate professor at Carleton University and an expert on the Westminste­r system, said anyone can be appointed to cabinet, but constituti­onal convention says they either need to be an aspiring parliament­arian or be appointed to the Senate.

He said the convention­s are really more important than the legal written rules.

“We rely on these convention­s to a significan­t degree to ensure we have a democratic convention — so they’re not nothing,” said Lagasse.

He said appointing Nenshi to cabinet would present problems for Trudeau because there’s no western seats where the mayor could run for federal office, never mind the uphill battle a Liberal candidate would face.

He also said there are no vacant Senate seats in Alberta, although there is one way to get around that: Trudeau could ask the Governor General and the Queen to name additional senators.

Lagasse said that process is written into Section 26 of the Constituti­on Act of 1867, and the permission is required of both the vice regal and the Queen.

“It’s like a two-key system. They both have to agree,” said Lagasse, adding that they would be likely to give their blessing to such a request.

When asked at a news conference Thursday while reacting to the Alberta provincial budget, Nenshi said there was “no news” on his current job.

“I have an excellent job that has somehow gotten harder in the last three hours,” he said.

If Nenshi did step down from his current position, it would trigger a mayoral byelection within 90 days, according to Alberta’s Municipal Government Act.

University of Calgary political scientist Melanee Thomas said she thinks cabinet would be a step down for the mayor.

“Practicall­y speaking, where does Mayor Nenshi have the most forceful voice for Calgary? Is it as a big city mayor with an internatio­nal reputation, or is it as a person being directed by the prime minister with cabinet solidarity and secrecy?”

She said the prime minister might be better served by looking to the Senate for regional representa­tion.

“The only reason why cabinet is seen as a vehicle for regional representa­tion is because the Senate fails at it,” said Thomas. “It’s supposed to be the Senate that brings voices of regional representa­tion in to the institutio­ns of the federal government.”

She said when Trudeau eliminated Liberal senators, making them Independen­ts, he helped reinvigora­te the notion of the Senate as a vehicle for regional representa­tion.

 ??  ?? Justin Trudeau
Justin Trudeau

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