Calgary Herald

Scheer parked Ford, to his own detriment

Conservati­ves should have had more in Ontario

- RANDALL DENLEY Randall Denley is an Ottawa political commentato­r and former Ontario PC candidate. Learn about his new book Spiked at randallden­ Contact him at randallden­ley1

It’s no surprise that this week’s federal election was decided by Ontario voters. Despite political parties’ obsession with Quebec, Ontario is the province where elections are won or lost. With more than onethird of federal seats, it can hardly be otherwise.

What was a little more perplexing was the strength of Ontarians support for the Liberals. Ontarians voted like it was 2015. For them, the Justin Trudeau government is still bright and shiny, as if multiple campaign promises were not broken and the Liberal leader didn’t embarrass himself and the country with the Snc-lavalin mess and his goofy blackface stunts. The Liberals’ Ontario seat total was one less than what they received in 2015. If that was a rebuke, it was the mildest one ever.

Why did the Conservati­ves fail so badly in Ontario and what does the federal result mean for the future of Ontario Premier Doug Ford?

The first point to consider is that voting Liberal is the default position in Ontario. Voters supported Liberals provincial­ly for 15 years despite performanc­e that was mediocre on a good day. Conservati­ves are the people Ontarians elect when the Liberals finally have become absolutely intolerabl­e. Clearly, they have not reached that point yet in the minds of about 40 per cent of voters.

Still, it’s remarkable that last year Ontario voters chose a PC party that offered balanced budgets and the end to Ontario’s form of carbon pricing. This year, Ontarians voted for huge deficits and an ever-increasing carbon tax. Did the electorate change dramatical­ly in a year, or was it the Conservati­ve campaign that fell short?

It’s pretty clear that Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer made tactical errors in Ontario, and the biggest one was sidelining Ford. The Ontario premier was always going to be a handy foil for Trudeau.

All Trudeau had to do in Ontario was keep repeating his hypnotic mantra of “Doug Ford, cuts.” No doubt that resonated with the 60 per cent of voters who didn’t support Ford last year.

The challenge for Scheer was how to counter that, and the decision was to ask Ford to lay low so that Scheer could pretend he didn’t exist. That made it seem as if Scheer agreed with Trudeau, that a Conservati­ve government making cuts was a bad thing. It was a weak play that became significan­tly weaker when Scheer released a platform proposing $53 billion in cuts. Eliminatin­g the deficit Trudeau has built up would mean cutting something. Scheer needed to own that, not dodge it.

On Tuesday, Scheer finally criticized Trudeau for “demonizing” Ford. Good point, but he was 41 days late.

By sidelining Ford, Scheer kept the premier intact as a liability but lost the advantages he could bring. Ford is a strong campaigner who has had success in reaching immigrants and blue collar workers in the suburbs around Toronto, an area where Scheer failed to connect.

The Scheer team thought their guy was more popular than Ford, but Ontario PC internal polling shows the opposite. Ford had better hope it’s right and there is reason to believe it is. After a rough first year, Ford is well on the way to normalizin­g his government.

The other surprise in the Ontario vote was how little Trudeau had to offer Ontarians to receive a huge victory in the province. Rarely have so many voters given so much support and got so little in return.

The sole significan­t promise was last-minute support for Toronto’s proposed Ontario Line subway, an idea Liberals reluctantl­y endorsed because it was pushed by Ford. The Liberals will spend a few billion dollars on the subway plan, eventually, but it is from a


pot of transit money already promised in 2017.

At least Toronto did better than Ottawa. The capital got a promise to “champion” repurposin­g an old railway bridge so that pedestrian­s and cyclists can easily cross the Ottawa River. The Liberals didn’t say how much they would contribute to the estimated $10 million cost.

There will be the usual pots of money for infrastruc­ture and affordable housing, but Ontario can get in line like other provinces. Certainly not first in line, though. That position is permanentl­y reserved for Quebec, Canada’s second most important province electorall­y.

Quebec voters are smart. They know which side their bread is buttered on and they really don’t care which party does the buttering, as long as it is liberally applied. Ontario voters, in contrast, might want to re-examine their voting strategy. Ontario MPS dominate the Liberal caucus, but will Trudeau work with Ford after spending months criticizin­g him? That’s a big unknown for Ontarians.

 ?? JACK BOLAND / POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES ?? Federal Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer is flanked by Ontario Premier Doug Ford at a 2018 event. In not utilizing
Ford better, Scheer lost the advantages the premier could have brought to the federal race, writes Randall Denley.
JACK BOLAND / POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES Federal Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer is flanked by Ontario Premier Doug Ford at a 2018 event. In not utilizing Ford better, Scheer lost the advantages the premier could have brought to the federal race, writes Randall Denley.
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