Calgary Herald


Macho drama ramps up the tension in a moody setting on the East Coast


“Monkey pump” is not a phrase you hear often in the movies, or anywhere else, and with good reason. It is historical nautical slang for a straw inserted through a gimlet-hole into a cask of liquor for taking surreptiti­ous sips of the contents. Even if you were to find a single-use straw, a gimlet and a barrel of whisky, you’d need an ancient sea dog to know what to call the assemblage.

Thomas Wake, Willem Dafoe’s character in The Lighthouse, is just such a mariner — though, as the movie’s title implies, he’s now relegated to a life on land, albeit surrounded by water and always within spitting distance of the sea. As the film opens, the old lighthouse keeper is receiving an apprentice “wickie” with the 1890s-perfect name of Ephraim Winslow (Robert Pattinson).

Thomas wastes no time putting the younger man in his place.


out of 5

Cast: Robert Pattinson, Willem Dafoe

Director: Robert Eggers

Duration: 1 h 49 m

Ephraim will clean their quarters, fetch coal, carry oil, tend to the cistern and clean and paint the lighthouse so it “sparkles like a sperm whale’s (you know what).” But he can’t enter the temple of luminosity that sits astride the building. “The light is mine,” Thomas barks. Then farts for good measure.

The Lighthouse is the second feature from writer-director Robert Eggers, whose first, 2015’s The Witch, was a superb horror story set in 1630s New England. This one takes place a quarter-millennium later but finds men’s minds still prone to superstiti­on and weird dread.

Ephraim finds a tiny mermaid figurine in his bunk, which begets erotic dreams of sea nymphs. Meanwhile, Thomas seems to have an almost sexual connection to the lighthouse: We see him locked up in the lantern room, shirtless and ecstatic, while something sticky drips through the floor. (Wickie leaks?) “I’m damn near married to this here light,” he declares.

The tension fairly crackles between these two characters. Ephraim is surly but reserved, a former timberman who swapped the endless forests of northern Canada for this speck of New England soil. Thomas is more voluble (especially when drunk) and will occasional­ly let loose with some saltwater curse, pitched midway between Shakespear­e’s The Tempest and Melville’s Moby-dick. “Hot Promethean plunder!” Between this and Aquaman, Dafoe is rapidly becoming a sea-list actor.

And the lighthouse functions as a third character in this psychologi­cal thriller. Eggers built it from scratch on Cape Forchu, at the eastern tip of Nova Scotia. He even gave it dialogue, in the form of a foghorn that sounds like a cross between a wounded manatee and a klaxon from some science-fiction realm — the kind that might call 25th-century citizens to their prayers, or their doom.

The film was shot with modern cameras but hundred-year-old lenses and black-and-white 35mm film stock, with an aspect ratio of 1.19:1. Or in English, the look is very old and the picture almost square. The effect is that when the characters are in conflict, they are crammed into a tiny box and seem ready to burst out of the screen.

Somewhere along the way, they lose track of time in this cramped space — has Ephraim been there four weeks, four days or four years? Will he ever leave? As the friction threatens to burst into flame, the men find themselves alternatel­y at each other’s throats and in each other’s arms, dancing, fighting, cursing, gambolling. While overhead, the third side of the love triangle moans its wordless speech and shines its pharos beam. Let there be light.

 ?? A24 FILMS ?? The characters played by Robert Pattinson, left, and Willem Dafoe form a bond that’s both tense and playful in Robert Eggers’ The Lighthouse.
A24 FILMS The characters played by Robert Pattinson, left, and Willem Dafoe form a bond that’s both tense and playful in Robert Eggers’ The Lighthouse.

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