Calgary Herald

Ridiculous road laws from other countries

Don’t go shirtless when in Thailand


While everyone’s got a different idea on what the speed limit should be, basically everyone agrees most of our country’s road laws make sense.

That’s not always the case everywhere, though. Get behind the wheel in some other parts of the world and you might bump up against some of these absolutely ridiculous driving laws, which as far as we can tell are legit rules.

1. Thailand: Don’t lose your shirt

You’re apparently not allowed to drive bare-chested, no matter how nice the weather — and this applies to men as well as women.

2. Russia: Keep it clean

Driving a vehicle stained with dirt or mud is illegal and can get you a fine (about $50 in Canadian dollars). This legislatio­n is based in part on authoritie­s wanting your licence plate to be visible at all times, despite the country having winter conditions similar to ours.

3. Russia (again): You can’t do that here

It’s also illegal in Russia to wash your car anywhere except at home or in a car wash.

4. Cyprus: Hands where we can see ’em

You can be fined if you “unnecessar­ily” withdraw your hands from the steering wheel. The point of this law is to prevent drivers making, um, ungracious hand gestures.

5. France: No, you can’t have fries with that

Eating or drinking (even a non-alcoholic beverage) behind the wheel may get you into trouble in France. Wolfing down a baguette au fromage, for example, is a “failure of control” of your vehicle. That sandwich can therefore cost you an extra 35 euros.

6. Spain: You got another set?

Wear corrective glasses? In Spain, you must keep a second pair in your vehicle — in case you lose the first one.

7. Japan: Mind the puddles, people

If your driving manoeuvres in the rain result in you splashing a pedestrian, you’re subject to a fine.

8. Japan (again): Don’t even think of drinking and driving

Japan’s rules against drunk driving are among the toughest, with a maximum allowable blood-alcohol content limit of 0.03 per cent. And the law also stipulates you can be sent to prison if you’re the passenger in a vehicle driven by a drunk motorist.

9. Costa Rica: Please think before drinking and driving

Yes, you can drink alcohol and drive in Costa Rica. The only condition is your blood alcohol content has to remain below the limit set by the authoritie­s, 0.05 per cent.

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