Calgary Herald

Babette’s Feast offers nourishmen­t for soul


Some stories, films and plays nourish not just the heart or mind, but the soul.

This was the case for Rosebud actor and director Jeany Van Meltebeke when she saw the Oscar-winning Danish film Babette’s Feast 29 years ago.

“The movie really spoke to me as an artist. I’ve watched it each year ever since, especially when we are in the midst of our winters,” says Van Meltebeke, who has realized a dream by directing Fire Exit Theatre’s production of Babette’s Feast running in the Arts Commons’ Engineered Theatre Dec. 11-15.

“What struck me, besides the beautiful themes in the film, were the amazing characteri­zations. There were so many elderly actors in the film and they all seemed so authentic. We don’t see that very often in film, and especially not in American films.

“The play is not based on the film, but rather on Isak Dinesen’s short story, which means it is set in Norway and not Denmark, but it is the same story of a woman who prepares a fantastic feast that ends up ministerin­g to both the physical and spiritual appetites of those it feeds. The souls of these people are fed through their physical appetite.”

As conceived and developed for the stage by Abigale Killeen, the story is told by nine actors over a period of 30 years.

“Our great ensemble of actors play four and even five characters each and they create the sound effects as well. This approach will delight the audiences almost as much as the story and characters. They will love to see the actors changing characters. It brings a richness to the storytelli­ng,” says Van Meltebeke.

The director is equally excited about Terry Gunvordahl’s set and lighting designs.

“Terry has created this beautiful backdrop and then has given us four benches, a couple of stools, a trunk and a tablecloth as our set pieces.

“The trunk becomes the dining room table and the actors sit on the benches for the feast.

“Those benches keep getting rearranged to create different locations.”

As for the feast itself, Van Meltebeke says “it is all done in the imaginatio­n. There is no real food, but we expect the audience will see it and smell it. This miming of the feast was explicit in the script. Once again, it is all part of the theatrical magic we have to create.”

The cast includes Ainsley Daumler, Caleb Gordon, Kendra Hutchinson, John Moerschbac­her, Jane Phillips, Kyla Ferrier, Sarah Haggerman, Daniel Kim and Rachel Peacock.

The play has evening performanc­es at 7:30 p.m., and 2 p.m. matinees on Dec. 14 and 15. The demand for tickets has been so great the Dec. 15 evening performanc­e has just been added. Tickets, which are $20 and $25, can be reserved by phone at 403-640-4617 or online at

 ?? ANDREA CROSS PHOTOGRAPH­Y ?? Fire Exit Theatre’s staging of Babette’s Feast runs Dec. 11-15 at Arts Commons.
ANDREA CROSS PHOTOGRAPH­Y Fire Exit Theatre’s staging of Babette’s Feast runs Dec. 11-15 at Arts Commons.

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