Calgary Herald

Keep home secure over holidays


’Tis the season to be jolly, and a little common sense when it comes to securing your home will help ensure the Christmas Grinch will not spoil the festivitie­s.

With break-and-enter crimes more than 50 per cent higher than the five-year average across the city, the Calgary Police Service has urged the public to be more vigilant over the holidays about securing their homes.

To start with, if you’re going out for a while or going to bed at night, make sure all doors are locked and windows have been secured, including the garage overhead door and the people-door leading from the garage to the home — and leave an exterior light on.

It’s probably a good idea to pull the drapes or shut the blinds so no nosy opportunis­ts can peek in, see all the treasures under the tree, and get the itch to take a closer look.

The whole idea is to make the home looked lived in, suggests a CPS news release.

Keep the at-home routine unchanged.

“Any packages that are brought home should be stored safely out of sight of prowling eyes,” says CPS Const. Anthony Thompson.

And in this vein: “If you are having any packages delivered, ensure there is someone home to receive them, or arrange to have them delivered to another safe address. Don’t leave them for porch thieves,” he continues.

Here are a few more tips to help keep your home safe:

If you are leaving the city notify a neighbour or someone else you trust to check on the home and keep the sidewalks and driveway cleared on snow.

Put a holiday hold on newspapers and other subscripti­ons, and ask someone to collect flyers and other mail, or have it rerouted.

That box the contained that 60-inch TV should not be thrown out for collection until it has been broken down and put inside the proper collection bin. You might also consider taking it to a recycling location.

Take an extra couple of minutes to put shovels, ladders, and anything else that would make it easier to break into your home. Again, use the garage and lock the door.

Again, arrange for family member, friend, or neighbour to collect mail, and keep the snow shovelled, and sweep the snow off the car. A gift in return for these efforts is likely less expensive than the alternativ­e.

Set whatever you can, for instance interior and exterior lighting, TV set or stereo, on variable timers. Double-check all doors and windows are closed and locked, set the alarm on the door and give the person checking the house the entry code.

And for safety’s sake don’t use social media to show photos of the great tan you’re getting. No need to advertise you’re away.

 ??  ?? Putting lights on timers — even your exterior Christmas lights — will help to convince thieves that somebody’s home.
Putting lights on timers — even your exterior Christmas lights — will help to convince thieves that somebody’s home.

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