Calgary Herald


- GEORGIA NICOLS georgianic­

Moon alert: Avoid shopping or major decisions after 7:30 a.m. today. The moon is in Aries.


Today: This is a mildly stressful day so brace yourself. Furthermor­e, restrict your spending to food, gas and entertainm­ent.

Sunday: Refuse to get caught up in arguments about politics and religion because you might not have all the facts. Something might look better or worse than it is.

Week ahead: You want to travel and “get away from all this.” Please take note that the full moon in the middle of the week triggers an accident-prone time for you. This means that from Monday to Thursday, you must pay attention. Be mindful of everything you say and do because most accidents can be avoided if we are aware. Mid-week, you might say goodbye to someone in authority. By Friday, you might have a crush on someone in authority! It’s a mixed bag and your sex drive is heightened!


Today: Please don’t shop. It’s easy to be agitated or impatient today. Therefore, be smart and avoid controvers­ial discussion­s like politics, religion and racial issues. Even travel plans might lead to an argument. Stay frosty.

Sunday: The moon is in your sign, which is good because this will slightly boost your good fortune. Neverthele­ss, double check informatio­n about shared property and inheritanc­es. Enjoy the beauty of your surroundin­gs.

Week ahead: You’re the financial wizard of the zodiac. You can make money in your own backyard. Financial issues might come to a head, especially by mid-week. These issues could relate to a loan, shared property, insurance matters or anything to do with how your wealth is involved with someone else. You will be vocal about situations. Meanwhile, travel plans will appeal even though initially, you might wonder if you can afford it. By Friday, you’re ready to hit the road.


Today: The main thing to be aware of today is not to shop. You can go to a movie or see sports; however, restrict spending to entertainm­ent, food and gas. Avoid arguments about shared property and anything that was loaned to someone.

Sunday: Tread carefully. Conversati­ons with close friends are subject to confusion. Someone might make an assumption and it could be you. Meanwhile, you want to be generous to someone.

Week ahead: You will be more involved in close friendship­s this week. Significan­t discussion­s will take place, probably about money, inheritanc­es and shared property. (They also might be about sex.) Tension will build up at the beginning of the week because on Wednesday, the only full moon all year in Gemini is taking place. This might affect your sleep. Initially, you will feel a bit shutdown or reserved. However, by the end of the week you will have strong reactions about something. This could be related to shared property or shared responsibi­lities, but it might also be about your sex life.


Today: Be patient dealing with authority figures because these interactio­ns could turn into a squeeze play — not good! Meanwhile, avoid important decisions and spending money on anything other than food, gas and entertainm­ent.

Sunday: Your interactio­ns with close friends are mutually sympatheti­c. However, there will be confusion that could arise through your job, your health or even a pet. You can’t believe everything you hear.

Week ahead: You’ll feel increased tension at the beginning of the week building up until Wednesday/thursday when the full moon occurs. Relations with partners and close friends might be stilted and a bit awkward in the beginning of the week. Neverthele­ss, by Friday, they will be passionate. This could be passionate sex or a passionate argument. Fortunatel­y, Mars will encourage playful flirtation­s and fun escapes. Meanwhile both the sun and Mercury will keep you focused at work.

LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)

Today: Avoid arguments about testy subjects like politics and religion. Likewise, don’t get upset about travel plans. Instead, keep lightheart­ed and playful. Postpone important decisions. Restrict your spending to food, gas and entertainm­ent — and enjoy yourself.

Sunday: Romance is confusing. There’s also confusion dealing with kids and this could be serious, especially if you fail to perceive there is a problem, like for example if they are getting sick?

Week ahead: The overall tone for you is one of lightheart­ed play. Admittedly, increased chaos and activity on the home front cannot be ignored. Meanwhile, when Venus lines up with Saturn midweek, and then at the end of the week, when it lines up with Pluto — all of this will take place in your house of employment and health. Quite likely, you will be aware of responsibi­lities earlier in the week, but by the end of the week, your passion will overtake you. Could be a work-related romance or you might feel passionate about whatever you’re working on?

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)

Today: Avoid squabbles about shared property or the cost of entertainm­ent or kids because it’s easy for arguments to arise. Be smart and don’t even go there. Furthermor­e, no shopping! (You can still have fun.)

Sunday: You feel tender-hearted and in love with someone. Likewise, you feel tender-hearted with kids, and perhaps even inspired by the arts. However, a conversati­on with a family member, especially a parent, might be like two ships passing in the night.

Week ahead: Home, family and your private life continue to be your primary focus. Family discussion­s are important. In fact, you might be more involved than usual with a parent. You’ll defend your rights in these family discussion­s and perhaps speak up on behalf of someone else as well? The full moon this week will force you to deal with issues. Meanwhile, romance is rocky. Initially, you might play things cool. “Everything is under control.” But by Friday, things are different. “The game, Mrs. Hudson, is on!” Romance will be passionate. However, so will sports events as well as your relations with kids. The fur is flying!

LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22)

Today: Use all your Libran diplomacy to maintain an easygoing relationsh­ip with close friends. (A challenge.) Don’t get hung up in arguments, especially with family members. Stay cool. Don’t shop. Keep things light and enjoy your day.

Sunday: Today is a mixed bag. Family discussion­s are supportive. You might enjoy redecorati­ng, relaxing at home or entertaini­ng. Having said that, your conversati­on with someone might be perplexing based on misunderst­andings.

Week ahead: It’s a busy, fastpaced week full of errands, reading, writing and studying. You’re also hemorrhagi­ng money, yet you’re working to earn it as well. Be mindful and careful because most of this week is an accident-prone time for you. (Until Thursday.) Pay attention to everything you say and do especially when in traffic. Relations with family members might be a bit stiff or difficult mid-week. However, by the weekend, you’re ready to party. You’re prepared to go after what you want, at home.


Today: Avoid arguments at work. However, arguments might still arise no matter what you’re doing, if you’re setting yourself a busy task. Remember that patience is the antidote to anger. Stay chill.

Sunday: Be very careful with financial matters. Save your receipts. Some kind of confusion might take place that impacts your wealth. It might even be deception.

Week ahead: You’re high energy now because fiery Mars gives you the juice to both play and work hard. Meanwhile, your focus is on money and earnings. In fact, you’re full of money-making ideas! However, the full moon mid-week means some tension — financial tension — will come to a head. This could relate to shared property, inheritanc­es or shared expenses. You will be reserved mid-week. However, by Friday, your passion will be revealed and you will go after what you want — no holds barred!


Today: Parents must be patient with their kids to avoid meltdowns. Remember who is the kid and who is the adult. Likewise, romantic partners must be patient with each other. Don’t take anything personally. Today everyone is annoyed with each other.

Sunday: Your energy level might be low. You might feel inadequate or not up to a task. Maybe you just need the day off? You are an idealist and often reach for impossible goals. Think about what you already have accomplish­ed!

Week ahead: With the sun and Mercury in your sign, you’re in charge. (You are so casual and easygoing, you won’t make a big thing of this — but admit it — it will please you.) Neverthele­ss, the beginning of the week could be challengin­g because the full moon on Wednesday is opposite your sign, which is bound to create some tension between you and others. Patience and tolerance are your best allies. Financial matters are curious this week. Mid-week, you will feel financiall­y conservati­ve. You’ll be counting your pennies and restrict your spending to practical purchases. However, by Friday — who cares? If there’s a problem — you’ll just throw money at it.


Today: Avoid family arguments, which are likely. Don’t blame yourself or someone else. This is just an emotional, intense day. Zip thy lip and do whatever you can to keep the peace because tomorrow is a lovely day!

Sunday: Many people will be hard on themselves today. Don’t do this. Instead, remind yourself that you are heading off in a new direction in life, and that the next 13 months will be very fortunate!

Week ahead: Some tension might build up this week, especially related to your job and perhaps your health because of the full moon that peaks on Wednesday/ Thursday. However, every month our problems and tensions intensify as the full moon approaches and then diminish afterward. This week, especially around Wednesday, you will feel cautious and careful about whatever you are dealing with. However, by Friday, you might become infatuated with someone. Especially a new lover! At the very least, you will be fascinated by something, and most likely — it’s a person.


Today: You can be stubborn. (Yeah, you’re really smart but you can still be stubborn, which is kinda dumb.) Today is a contentiou­s day for everyone, so make a decision to go along to get along. Don’t shop (except for food, gas and entertainm­ent.) Keep a low profile.

Sunday: You might put a friend or a member of a group up on a pedestal. (This could be an indirect way of putting yourself down.) Don’t even go there. Instead, value who you are and what you have because it’s quite remarkable, isn’t it?

Week ahead: As the tension builds up before the full moon mid-week, you might find it increasing difficult to deal with your kids. Be patient because after the full moon peaks, you will find that by Thursday and Friday these problems disappear. Admittedly, by Friday, you might be upset about something because on that day, everyone will feel passionate­ly about something — most probably romance. But it doesn’t have to be romance. It simply means that you will want something intensely.


Today: Squabbles about money, possession­s or assets might take place. (People are actually looking for a fight.) Don’t take the bait. This is also a moon alert day, which means restrict spending to food, gas and entertainm­ent and postpone important decisions until tomorrow.

Sunday: A discussion with an authority figure is prone to confusion and misunderst­anding. A friend will sympathize with your ideas and what you want. Go with what works. Do not push things with authority figures if there is not a meeting of the minds.

Week ahead: The full moon that peaks in the middle of the week will pull you between the demands of home and family versus the demands of your career and your reputation. You cannot keep everyone happy. For this particular full moon, however, you cannot ignore career. Meanwhile, relations with friends and members of groups will be like an accordion this week. Mid-week things will be testy, aloof and a bit cool — certainly arm’s-length. But by Friday, you are ready to embrace someone passionate­ly!

If your birthday is today:

Actor Nicholas Hoult (1989) shares your birthday. You’re intelligen­t, philosophi­cal, compassion­ate and caring about the welfare of others. Finally, this year your hard work will start to pay off. Simplify your life and focus on how to build solid foundation­s. Work with purpose. Physical exercise will be important, which is why you should explore enjoyable activities.

If your birthday is tomorrow:

Actor Ian Somerhalde­r (1978) shares your birthday. You have a changing nature. Sometimes you’re calm and gentle, other times you’re headstrong. You’re methodical and discipline­d about pursuing your goals. This is a year of change, new opportunit­ies. Expect to encounter adventure and stimulatin­g situations. Grab every chance to travel and expand your world. Embrace change. Let your personal freedom be your goal this year.

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