Calgary Herald

Fostering curiosity

Children have an endless list of questions, but answering might not help them learn


The dawn sun peeked through my kitchen window as I scrambled eggs, ground coffee, poured cereal, packed lunches and shook the four-year-old off my leg. The cacophony of a typical school morning with three kids hummed in my ears as my children launched into their usual game of 20 (million) questions.

Is there a difference between cookies and cake? Can we eat cake for breakfast?

Each new question throbbed at my temples as I repeated in my head: Questions mean they’re engaged. Curiosity is good. Education is important. Don’t burn the eggs!

It is logical to assume that positive parent involvemen­t leads to academic success in children, but that doesn’t necessaril­y mean parents have to accept the burden of providing kids with all the answers. This distinctio­n — between supporting and enabling — is only just now being discussed among experts in psychology and education.

“Parents don’t need to know all the answers to kids’ questions. In fact, when we enable kids to follow their curiositie­s and interests, they learn much more,” says Diane Tavenner, author of Prepared: What Kids Need for a Fulfilled Life. “As they learn more, they get better at learning and this becomes a virtuous cycle.

“As parents, our role is to take their questions about the world seriously and get curious with our kids,” Tavenner says. “By modelling the process of independen­t learning — whether that’s going to the library or searching online — we demonstrat­e how to discover informatio­n and ideas that may spark a lifelong passion.”

But this idea of educating by withholdin­g certain informatio­n is counterint­uitive for a lot of parents. It turns out, though, that my guilt might have had more to do with contempora­ry parental expectatio­ns than actual academic outcomes.

A 2011 article published in

The Atlantic argues that modern parents feel an intense pressure to be able to do “everything” for their kids, and it is this focus on perfection that drives the increasing epidemic of parental guilt and anxiety. More importantl­y, the article makes the case that being a super-parent doesn’t actually lead to having happier, healthier children.

Tavenner makes a similar argument in a recent article published by the Character Lab, a non-profit organizati­on that promotes character developmen­t. “Only when students have a reason for learning,” she writes, “do they bring their full attention and energy to their work.”

Kids are naturally curious creatures, especially at a young age. Their brains have millions more neurons than an adult’s, all poised to form connection­s and associatio­ns about the world. Even if parents possess the knowledge to impart to their children, without the reward of first struggling and then seeking the answers, kids may end up losing their curiosity rather than nurturing it.

Curiosity killed the cat? Maybe, if what you’re curious about is what happens when you stick a paper clip into a light socket. But not usually.

Angela Duckworth, a psychology professor at the University of Pennsylvan­ia and founder of the Character Lab, says, “If we answer all the questions that confront our children, we steal from them the opportunit­y to think, struggle and learn.” And it is precisely that grit that children develop through trial and error that prepares them for future challenges.

Take my kids’ silly question about the difference between cakes and cookies. It’s not exactly rocket science, but sweets are something my kids were already interested in, and the question has a simple, testable answer. My kids are curious about the classifica­tion of sweets. So the first step to piquing curiosity is to validate the question.

“Great question!”

While I easily could have regurgitat­ed the answer while juggling my morning routine, that wouldn’t have encouraged exploratio­n on their part. Instead, I offered a followup question.

“And what about biscotti? Cake or cookie?”

The next step is to motivate them enough to seek the answer for themselves. Psychologi­st George Loewenstei­n suggests curiosity is a need that drives behaviour much like hunger, and it results from a perceived gap in knowledge. Especially if someone else already knows the answer. Ever notice how kids love hints? Loewenstei­n and his colleagues argue that curiosity is piqued most when learners have some knowledge of a subject, but not enough to confidentl­y answer the question.

So, back to the rest of our proverb.

Curiosity killed the cat … but satisfacti­on brought him back.

Discoverin­g answers to difficult questions is highly rewarding. Even if children initially feel frustrated or uncomforta­ble by a parent refusing to spoon-feed them knowledge, they will probably develop greater self-esteem, confidence and desire to learn by seeking their own knowledge. Even more important, they will learn which questions are worth asking, and which ones only waste their time.

Of course, kids won’t successful­ly find the answers to all questions simply because they’re curious.

But if nothing else, encouragin­g kids to remain inquisitiv­e could give them the experience of experiment­ation and research. Sometimes even the questions that remain unanswered can drive us to keep learning, and lead to more questions and future opportunit­ies.

Not to mention, parents will get a break from the inquisitio­n. Even if, in the case of the baked goods, it means cleaning up a few crumbs.

The Washington Post

 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCK PHOTO ?? “Parents don’t need to know all the answers to kids’ questions. In fact, when we enable kids to follow their curiositie­s and interests, they learn much more,” says author Diane Tavenner.
GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCK PHOTO “Parents don’t need to know all the answers to kids’ questions. In fact, when we enable kids to follow their curiositie­s and interests, they learn much more,” says author Diane Tavenner.

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