Calgary Herald

From the goal-line to front lines, with love


It’s called The Hero Project, a grassroots initiative that had already raised money, mostly small donations, through social media to help feed front line health-care workers at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal.

Then Angela and Carey Price got wind of it and made a generous, unspecifie­d, donation. As a result, The Hero Project, which has now amassed over $100,000, has already served more than 15,000 meals and snacks to the hospital’s health-care workers and will continue to do for as long as needed.

The Habs netminder and his family are thousands of kilometres away, staying with his wife Angela’s parents in Washington state, where he continues to work out in the event the NHL season resumes. But the Prices have kept up to speed with developmen­ts in Montreal and have been saddened to learn how the city has become the country’s epicentre for the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Even though we are not currently in Montreal, the city is in our hearts and prayers,” Carey Price said.

“We are so thankful for the front line workers working tirelessly. They are the true heroes!”

Canadiens defenceman Jeff Petry and his wife Julie put up $2,500 in March to supply meals to feed healthcare workers.

And former Hab P.K. Subban, now with the New Jersey Devils, gave through his P.K. Subban Foundation to provide four catered Friday lunches in April to healthcare workers at Montreal Children’s Hospital.

Angela Price had additional incentives. Their youngest daughter, Millie, was born December 2018 at the Jewish General. In appreciati­on, the Prices, also the parents of B.c.-born, four-year-old Liv, will also be arranging for a meal Friday for workers in the hospital’s maternity ward.

“Initially, we wanted to give back to the maternity department to show our appreciati­on,” Angela Price said. “But then when we heard about The Hero Project, we decided to give a little bit more to support health-care workers.”

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