Calgary Herald


In snapshot of the past, former Herald reporter revisits world adventures in Suitcase Letters


Back in the mid-1960s, John Howse returned for a visit to his small hometown of Cootamundr­a in New South Wales, 14 years after he left Australia to see the world.

At the family home, he noticed his mother had lovingly kept in a leather bag on top of her bedroom wardrobe the weekly dispatches he sent from his travels. But in subsequent visits after his mother died, the travel bag seemed to fade further and further from view. It went from the bedroom wardrobe to a back bedroom, to the back veranda, to the garage before finally landing outside the house under a piece of plywood.

His sister eventually suggested he save them from the elements before they vanished altogether.

“They were losing importance in the great scheme of things,” says Howse with a laugh, in an interview with Postmedia from his Calgary home. “I brought them back to Calgary. I put them on my computer.”

Now 86, Howse tells the tale of the migrating travel bag as an intro to his new book, Suitcase Letters: A Memoir of Travel, Adventure and New Beginnings. With his weekly letters safely stored for posterity on his computer, he realized the missives painted a picture of his life as a young man. In the book, Howse zeros in on his early years of wanderlust that took him from his native Australia into Asia, Europe and Canada. After flunking out of medical school at the University of British Columbia, he eventually found his calling as a journalist and spent decades working in the field. He first took a job at the Albertan before spending most of the 1960s covering various beats at the Calgary Herald. He eventually landed at Southam News in Ottawa and travelled the world covering OPEC before returning to Calgary to work in the western bureau of Maclean’s magazine.

But Suitcase Letters ends before Howse’s adventures in journalism begin. The opening letter is from a 19-year-old Howse setting sail on the S.S. Otranto off the coast of the Australian state of Victoria in 1954. The final letter is from September 1959, when the then 25-year-old is about to begin studying medicine at the University of British Columbia.

Howse reprints the dozens of letters with virtually no outside commentary or context, although he does provide a helpful glossary at the back of the book covering the Australian terms Canadians may not be familiar with. (For example, a “dunny” is an outhouse. To “toss the voice” is one of many charming terms Australian­s used to describe vomiting.)

“It always struck me when reading memoirs that people write about their youth the way they see it down through the years,” Howse says. “For example, if I was writing about my younger years today, I would be writing through the eyes of an 80-plus-year-old person. These letters are what I wrote when I was that age. There’s no escaping it.”

As such, some of the language and depictions Howse offers in his letters would likely not pass muster these days. In his intro, he acknowledg­es that while he has evolved as a Canadian to be “at home in the world of the politicall­y correct,” these letters are published intact with his youthful “politicall­y incorrect observatio­ns left unedited.”

“They are things you write to your parents, you write to your family,” he says. “It’s a snapshot of what you were. Sixty years later, you’re different.”

Still, Howse often offers flashes of inspired prose that suggest he was well on his way to becoming a writer as a young man, even if he wasn’t aware of it himself at the time. While in Colombo in January of 1954, Howse writes, “You see an old cart pulled by oxen and led

by an old barefooted Indian, then a 1950 Chevrolet blows its horn — the old and the new go forward together.” A few weeks later, Howse is in Marseille describing the old shops and markets for his “Mum,” who he thinks would appreciate the scene. “The fish market was run by old women in black gowns and shawls almost like nuns,” he writes. “They yell with their coarse old voices and all the time scraping off the fish scales.”

Suitcase Letters eventually chronicles Howse’s summer of ’54 adventures. Among other pursuits, he hitchhiked through Europe, worked the mines of northern England, stayed in youth hostels and became a well-fed dishwasher in Copenhagen. By the end of the year, he was in Montreal where he eventually attended Mcgill, worked as a “barman-dishwasher” at a ladies club on Sherbrooke Street West and spent summers toiling in the wilds of northern Quebec.

While this all may seem very romantic and Hemingway-esque, Howse says travel lust was fairly common in young Australian­s at the time, with most eyeing Europe as the place to be for coming-of-age adventures. Dutifully writing detailed letters once a week may seem an alien concept in these days of instant communicat­ion, but it was also fairly commonplac­e back then.

“A lot of us, a lot of young people, were on a mission to travel,” he says.

“We were aware of how isolated we were at that age. Most of my friends talked about travel. You grew up talking about that trip to Europe.”

Still, he hopes it hits a universal chord, offering a snapshot of a different time and place, he says. A father of five and grandfathe­r of 10, he says the letters show how his youthful years were very different than those of his children.

“I hope the family reads it and, broader than that, I hope it gets a reading,” he says. “I think a lot of people who come to Canada would enjoy it: the business of getting a job and running around the streets of Montreal then up to the bush then going back to school. There’s a lot in it for people who have come here.”

 ?? PHOTOS: AZIN GHAFFARI ?? “It’s a snapshot of what you were,” author John Howse says of the letters published in his memoir, Suitcase Letters.
PHOTOS: AZIN GHAFFARI “It’s a snapshot of what you were,” author John Howse says of the letters published in his memoir, Suitcase Letters.
 ??  ?? The missives Howse sent home while travelling as a young man are reprinted intact with his youthful observatio­ns left unedited.
The missives Howse sent home while travelling as a young man are reprinted intact with his youthful observatio­ns left unedited.

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