Calgary Herald


Vadori’s Fountain series explores common young adult themes with magical twist


Suzy Vadori figures her 14-year-old daughter has read more than 45 books since the COVID-19 lockdown began in March. This makes her not only well qualified, but also pretty convenient as a beta reader for her mother’s young adult novels.

Vadori recently published the final part of her Fountain trilogy, Wall of Wishes, and her daughter got a sneak peek.

“At first she was really shy about it,” says Vadori, in an interview with Postmedia. “But she’s pretty good at keeping me honest.”

At 14, her daughter is at the older end of the demographi­c Vadori aims for with her Fountain series, which she began writing nine years ago. But her daughter is also two years younger than Ava, the series protagonis­t who encounters some mysterious wonders while attending St. Augustus boarding school in New England.

Vadori is a one-time business executive who began writing about Ava’s adventures while on maternity leave with her youngest of three children. She has often taken a practical and targeted approach to writing and developing an audience. Now a full-time author, speaker and writing coach, she said she began writing in the crowded young adult field to fill what she saw as a bit of a gap. There were darker YA titles targeted to those 14 and over and there were others meant for kids aged nine to 12. She wanted the Fountain to appeal to those in between.

“As an executive and as a mom, I really wanted to write something that had the potential to be widely read,” she says. “But when I looked at what was on the bestseller list, it was often thrillers and things I wasn’t comfortabl­e with and that didn’t fit my brand. When young adult books started to become popular 10 or 15 years ago, I realized they were crossover books that could be read by anybody and where I still could write under my own name, keep my job as an executive, be really proud of my books and let my kids read them and all those things. So it really fit.”

The first book introduces us to Ava, a new kid at St. Augustus who travels to the fictional small town in New England to discover more about her mother. Unbeknowns­t to her, Ava’s family has a bit of history at the school and she finds many of the students less than friendly. One day when walking in the woods, she comes across a magic, century-old fountain that the well-intentione­d school founder had built for his students. She wishes that her school nemesis, Courtney, did not attend the school. When she emerges from the woods, she discovers that her wish has come true. Courtney is gone and she has set an alternate reality into motion.

The second book, West Woods, is a prequel focused on Courtney and her experience­s at St. Augustus. In Wall of Wishes, Ava must work with Courtney, who returns from the alternativ­e reality she was wished into to save the fountain. It is at risk of being destroyed to make way for a new road. If the fountain gets destroyed, so will 100 years worth of students’ wishes, including one that is responsibl­e for Ava’s existence.

Given that the series is for preteens and teens, involves magic and takes place in a boarding school, comparison­s to the Harry Potter series are inevitable. Vadori admits J.K. Rowling ’s work was an influence but stresses there are major difference­s.

“In Harry Potter’s world, they have magic and it’s well known to them,” she says. “In the Fountain series, it’s set in the regular school where nobody is magical but there are just some magical elements. So, technicall­y, it’s magical realism. So people don’t believe her and that’s part of it: You’re new to the school, you’re trying to establish yourself and this thing happens.”

Still, there are general YA hallmarks found within the series. They deal with loneliness, mystery, first love, friendship and trying to find your place in the world. Vadori says Ava is at least partially based on some of her own experience­s living in a family that moved every couple of years. She had some unusual formative years. Originally from Nova Scotia, she lived in Boston from the ages of four to eight because her father was studying at Harvard. By the time she was a tween, the family was in Calgary. She was used to being the new kid in school.

“In this series, Ava makes this wish and it comes true,” Vadori says. “But she didn’t expect it to come true and nobody believes her. She doesn’t have friendship­s to where people are going to give her the benefit of the doubt. She is in this situation where she has to meet people, she has to form friendship­s and she has to tell them this wild and fantastica­l story about this girl who used to exist and now she’s gone.”

As with many young adult stories — everything from Harry Potter to Gordon Korman’s Macdonald Hall series, to S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders — the characters of The Fountain exist in an enclosed world that is largely bereft of parental interferen­ce.

“In young adult books, the parents are often absent,” says Vadori. “So you have to kill them, or have them leave the setting or have them be so completely useless that they wouldn’t be helpful even if they were there. The reason for that is that kids want to see other kids respond to adult situations as if they were in charge. If parents are there, they can’t do that. Parents have credit cards and parents can buy bus tickets and parents can give advice and make smart decisions. You need to get rid of the parents so the kids can step up a little and step in those adult shoes and make adult choices.”

Wall of Wishes is now available. Visit

 ??  ?? Suzy Vadori says that young adult books give the kids a chance to step up and make adult choices.
Suzy Vadori says that young adult books give the kids a chance to step up and make adult choices.

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