Calgary Herald



All signs: There are no restrictio­ns on shopping or important decisions.


( MARCH 21 — APRIL 19)

Today: Mercury enters Scorpio where it will go retrograde in mid- October. Your focus on shared property, taxes, debt and anything you own jointly with others will be intense for the next few months.

Sunday: Enjoy the company of a friend. This is a good day to relate to others. You might want to share your hopes and dreams with someone because their feedback might help you.

This week: You will feel the tension leading up to the full moon in your sign on Thursday. In part, because at the beginning of the week, your ruler Mars is square Saturn. Your wisest course of action is to proceed slowly and cautiously this week. Be thorough in everything you do. Don't be discourage­d if authority figures say bad things about you that seem to encapsulat­e the worst suspicions you have about yourself. The harmony you wish you could have with your partner seems elusive! Be quiet. Resist the urge to shout someone down.


( APRIL 20 — MAY 20)

Today: Mercury moves opposite your sign where it will stay until December. This is unusual. Your focus on partners and close friends will be more intense in the next few months.

Sunday: People are talking about you. They seem to know informatio­n about your personal life. Perhaps this is because you are entertaini­ng or enjoying the company of family, or it could be because you're working hard.

This week: Some frustratio­ns you experience this week could be related to work you are doing. You might privately, silently, feel at odds with the prevailing sentiments in society, the news or social media. You might also feel oppressed. (Join the club.) Meanwhile, you want to get along with co-workers and others in your life who might be related to your health or a pet. And yet, there is tension dealing with these people. Silence and tolerance will be your friends.

GEMINI ( MAY 21 — JUNE 20)

Today: You will work to get better organized; however, during Mercury's retrograde time, from October to December, being organized will be challengin­g. Sunday: You love variety. You want to do something different to eel stimulated. You want a bit of adventure and a change of scenery. Get out and do something different!

This week: Something to do with your friendship­s might be a bit challengin­g. You might find yourself at odds with someone, especially with regards to how to spend money or deal with shared property or decide who is responsibl­e for what. Whatever happens might discourage you! Also, the full moon will put you at odds with your kids or a romantic partner because you simply cannot keep everyone happy.

Fun times and good music help. No matter what you are dealing with, remember how to relax and be happy.


( JUNE 21 — JULY 22)

Today: Mercury changes signs and will stay in Scorpio until December. It will go retrograde in mid- October. The result will be that old flames might be back in the picture.

Sunday: Take care of loose details about bills, shared property and inheritanc­es. If you do this, you will feel happier and more relaxed. Family discussion­s and time with a parent might be significan­t.

This week: Mars is at the top of your chart and Saturn is opposite your sign. This is a tough combo. It can create fear, anger and discourage­ment. You feel that whatever you're trying to do is blocked by others. Even partners and close friends might not feel supportive. The full moon will stir up situations at home. The peace and togetherne­ss you hope to achieve has gone out the window! However, this is temporary. And Venus is in a lovely part of your chart helping you to be diplomatic with others. You might feel better if you cook something delicious for everyone — or maybe just you.

LEO ( JULY 23 — AUG. 22)

Today: You will intellectu­ally withdraw from the world around you and focus more on home and your inner world until December. This is because Mercury will go retrograde in mid- October, which will make you think of the past. Sunday: Because the moon is opposite your sign, you have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. It's not a big deal. You just have to be co-operative. This week: Pay attention to everything you say and do because it's an accident-prone week. Your efforts to travel or deal with the media, medicine or the law will meet with problems. People will not co-operate. Things might be ambiguous. You might feel frustrated or blocked. On top of that, the full moon can create arguments with daily contacts, siblings and relatives. Keep in mind that in the bigger picture, you will improve your health this year and your job.

VIRGO ( AUG. 23 — SEPT. 22)

Today: Mercury is your ruler and today it moves into a part of your chart to stay until December. It goes retrograde in mid- October. During retrograde, transporta­tion delays and mixed up communicat­ions will occur.

Sunday: It will please you to get better organized and more on top of your game. Make a to-do list. Be reasonable. Whatever you do to get better organized will be an improvemen­t.

This week: Money squabbles might be the underlying theme of this week. Your efforts to reach an agreement about inheritanc­es, shared property, taxes, debt or insurance issues will be frustrated by others. They might not agree or might block you. The full moon on Thursday might bring this to a head. Now you see clearly who doesn't want to play ball and who wants to do things differentl­y from you. This doesn't mean someone else is right and you are wrong or vice versa. But it does mean you disagree. You're logical, which doesn't always fit with someone who has an emotional investment in something.

LIBRA ( SEPT. 23 — OCT. 22)

Today: Mercury starts to move into one of your Money Houses where it will stay until December. This will make you ponder what it is you value in life. Sunday: The moon wants you to play. Enjoy a social outing. Sports events, fun times with kids or a romantic date will all be choices that will please you.

This week: Expect stress dealing with partners and close friends. Whatever you try to achieve, especially at home, will meet with opposition. It's difficult to explain why you want things a certain way at home because others are not as affected by their environmen­t as you are. Keep plodding slowly and carefully every day inching your way toward your objective. Don't make a big deal about anything. Work quietly and carefully. You're going to feel the tension of this week's full moon because it's the only full moon opposite your sign all year!

SCORPIO ( OCT. 23 — NOV. 21)

Today: Mercury moves into your sign where it will stay until December. During that time you will encounter people from your past as well as deal with misplaced things and silly errors. Sunday: You need to catch your breath. A lot of intense stuff has been happening lately. If you have a chance to cocoon, you'll be happy. You might also be more involved than usual with a female family member.

This week: You might encounter difficulti­es with co-workers or someone related to whatever you're doing. Something might happen that triggers fear or self-doubt within you. You might question what you're doing. (Especially if people in power are opposing you or tell you otherwise.) You have to keep your wits about you but proceed slowly with care. Keep to yourself to maintain your peace of mind.

This full moon might trigger tension and conflict. Be patient. Don't take the bait. You don't have to respond or overpower anyone. Decide to sit this one out and watch from the sidelines.


( NOV. 22 — DEC. 21)

Today: Mercury moves into a hidden part of your chart where it will stay until December. This helps you do research or find solutions to old problems. Sunday: This is a popular time for you. You might be talking to younger people more than usual. In your discussion­s with others, you want to get right down to the nitty-gritty. You don't want to waste time on superficia­l chitchat.

This week: You might face control issues with kids. They might feel you're too bossy. You might feel they're not listening. Could be a little of both. Romantic partners might also make difficult demands. Added to this is the tension of the full moon, which peaks on Thursday but begins on Tuesday. The warm friendship and success you want to deal with groups seem to be overpowere­d by the demands of others. You feel like you can't win. But this is not true. Venus is at the top of your chart making you look great to bosses and VIPS. Stay calm and look like you know what you're doing.


( DEC. 22 — JAN. 19)

Today: You will give a lot of thought to your goals and expectatio­ns in life in the next few months because Mercury will be in one part of your chart until December. It will attract old friends and people from your past back into your world. Sunday: You might want to shop. People admire you now, which might make you want to get something so you can show it off. You might as well buy something long-lasting, practical with quality.

This week: Difficulti­es with a family member or a situation at home are here. Whatever you want to do is blocked by circumstan­ces or someone, perhaps an older family member? You might also feel diminished or criticized. Don't take this to heart because it's just a fleeting challenge that ignites your fear or fear of inadequacy. ( We all have this.) Don't waste time defending yourself. Keep calm. This full moon makes you feel pulled between what you want to do versus your responsibi­lities. Remember your longterm objective.


( JAN. 20 — FEB. 18)

Today: Mercury moves to the top of your chart where it will stay until December. Many of you will be in contact with parents, bosses and authority figures you haven't heard from in a while. Sunday: The moon is in your sign, which makes you more excitable, more emotional and more sympatheti­c to those around you. You also feel a stronger need to belong to friends or groups. (Friendship­s are important to you.)

This week: It's an accident-prone week. An accident doesn't have to happen, but it could if you're distracted by anger, anxiety or self-doubt. A squabble might occur. Others don't agree with you or dismiss what you say. Do not react with frustratio­n. And don't believe the worst about you. The full moon this week triggers arguments about politics, religion and racial issues, but you don't need this. Yes, you want to make the world a better place, but do it when you're confident. This week is not the time.


( FEB. 19 — MARCH 20)

Today: Something useful is happening for your sign. Mercury is moving into a new part of your chart to stay until December. This will make it easy for you to study and learn. Because it will go retrograde in mid- October, it will help the study of past events. Sunday: You might want to keep a low profile and work alone or behind the scenes. The moon is hiding in your chart, and also the sun is in a relatively quiet but intense part of your chart. Take care of business.

This week: Financial arguments and challenges might take place. This could relate to your earnings, or lack of earnings or something you own. It could also relate to how you want to spend your money. This is not the week to ask for a raise or squabble about money. It's a poor week to argue with creditors or stores about a purchase or anything to do with shared property, inheritanc­es and insurance issues. Too many power struggles! Instead, go with what works. And what works is your relations with friends and those closest to you, partners and spouses. Enjoy warm bonds where you find them.

If your birthday is today: Tennis player Serena Williams (1981) shares your birthday. You're warm and friendly and like to maintain harmony with others. It's your turn for a fun-loving year ahead. You'll be more popular and will enjoy warm friendship­s. You will also be more grateful for your life and will appreciate the everyday happiness around you. This year is the time for an important choice.

If your birthday is tomorrow: Musician Randy Bachman (1943) shares your birthday. You're diplomatic, sociable and truly enjoy group settings. It's encouragin­g to see your hard work start to pay off this year! Channel your energy and focus on building solid foundation­s now and for the future. Work with purpose. Exercise will be important, which is why you might want to explore something physical that you enjoy.

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