Calgary Herald

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)


“Women love romance, but they're not as romantic as men.”

George Hamilton, born Aug. 12, 1939

You are proud and regal. You are also generous. (You will borrow money to lend it to someone.) You are creative, especially in acting, writing, teaching and the fine arts. You shine in many areas, particular­ly in the entertainm­ent world, and you want recognitio­n for your talents. You're a busy person with a sporty style that is distinctiv­e and memorable. Sunglasses, snappy cars, chunky jewelry and animal prints are a Leo trademark. (You like to be noticed.) You're a leader who is brave as well as playful and entertaini­ng! You're a protective parent. You are committed to whatever you do. Despite your cavalier flair, the word casual is not even in your vocabulary.


Around 1999, you were at the top of your game, and by 2000, your reputation was stellar! By 2004, you began to get rid of what you no longer needed, and around 2005-2006, you entered a new world.

Around 2010, you benefitted from the wealth and resources of someone. Then you entered a two- to three-year window with job changes and residentia­l moves. Finally, by 2014, things were settled. Increased earnings made many of you happy around 2016; however, by 2018, you entered a two-year window where you worked hard. Fortunatel­y, 2019 was a lovely year for vacations. Last year, you continued to work hard to improve your job, your health and enjoy a pet. (Meow!)


This year is a turning point. From 2005 to 2012, you reinvented yourself. Following that, you explored where to live, what to do — all considerat­ions that were personal and internal, sort of “beneath the table.” This year, you're going to jump on top of the table. “Hello, world!” Now your focus will swing from your personal developmen­t to your external world.

Many of you will receive recognitio­n, especially for your efforts in the last few years. Something will make you stand out and people will notice and admire you! Starting this year, you're in the game. This could mean you might experience tension with profession­al partners. They sense your new-found strength and might be threatened. Even co-workers will wonder about these new changes. Some people around you do not want you to change. The upshot is you might experience conflict with co-workers, bosses and profession­al partners because they're dealing with someone stronger and more ambitious.

This year you benefit from the wealth and resources of others, including partners. It will be easy to get a loan or raise funds for a project. Not only can you raise money, but you will get the equipment and resources to do something you want. This is also a good time to form a partnershi­p or enter into any kind of relationsh­ip where you will pool your resources with someone.

You're starting to believe in yourself, which is a good thing, because three years from now your reputation will shine!


When it comes to romance, there's good news and bad news. The good news is you have a better idea of who you are and what you want. You will be less inclined to go along to get along. You will also be less inclined to kid yourself about a relationsh­ip and hope it is the way you would wish it to be instead of how it actually is. The bad news is some relationsh­ips will end this year because they have outlived their usefulness. You realize that life is short, so why invest time and energy in a situation that is not working?

Meanwhile, you might get richer, which will make you more relaxed and more appealing.

This will give you the fun choices that enhance a relationsh­ip.

For example, you might have the money for a vacation or an opportunit­y to explore new adventures. Obviously, this will attract people to you and boost existing friendship­s and romantic relationsh­ips.


This year you can benefit from the wealth of others, which might help you bring advantages to your family. You might redecorate, renovate, buy and sell. You might be in a better position to help someone go to school.

Because this year is the culminatio­n of a process that began around 14 years ago, people will notice that you relate to everyone a bit differentl­y. This doesn't mean you're less co-operative, but it does mean you are more assertive about demanding your own needs and wants.

The most challengin­g area will be with spouses and partners. Some partnershi­ps will end. However, don't be alarmed. If you are in a relationsh­ip that is meant to last, it will endure. It's important to live up to agreements, which is not hard for you because you are fair and loyal.


“I appreciate the recognitio­n I receive and will continue to work hard for my future.”


In 2023, you have fabulous opportunit­ies to travel (if permitted in these uncertain times). This is an excellent year to explore opportunit­ies in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Something will happen that wonderfull­y boosts your reputation in 2024! You can expect a promotion at work, or public recognitio­n or the increased esteem of your peers during this year.

The year 2024 will be your turn to “put your name up in lights!” It also will be possible to change your field of work, especially to something related to medicine, healing, the law, higher education or travel.

By 2025, your popularity is strong. You will be more idealistic and will want to improve the world around you. Indeed, this is a year when whatever you put out will come back to you in many ways.


■ Jan. 1, 2, 28, 29

■ Feb. 24, 25, 26

■ March 24, 25

■ April 20, 21

■ May 17, 18, 19

■ June 14, 15

■ July 10, 11, 12

■ Aug. 7, 8

■ Sept. 3, 4, 5

■ Oct. 1, 2, 28, 29, 30

■ Nov. 24, 25, 26

■ Dec. 22, 23

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