Calgary Herald


- LICIA CORBELLA Licia Corbella is a Postmedia columnist in Calgary. Twitter: @Liciacorbe­lla

The Alberta government is seeking requests for proposals regarding COVID-19 vaccine developmen­t over the next 10 business days.

This is a very promising sign, even though procuring vaccines is not, generally speaking, a provincial responsibi­lity.

Albertans have long believed — after some pretty disastrous government investment­s in the 1980s and `90s — that government has no business being in business. That was a mantra of former Premier Ralph Klein.

But vaccines are different — particular­ly during a deadly pandemic.

Consider the following: Former U.S. President Donald Trump initiated Operation Warp speed and as a result the U.S. government gave Moderna US$1 billion to develop a vaccine to combat the pandemic that has brought the world's economy to its knees and killed more than 2.5 million people worldwide.

The German government gave Pfizer-biontech US$445 million to help speed up the developmen­t of that effective vaccine. Last May, the United Kingdom government gave 65.5 million British pounds to help speed up the developmen­t of the Astrazenec­a vaccine at the University of Oxford (led by Canadian Sir John Bell.) Incidental­ly, Bell recently told CTV'S Evan Solomon that the UK had virtually no vaccine-making capabiliti­es at the start of the pandemic and is now helping to vaccinate its citizens and the world.

Then there's Canada.

Last March — one year ago almost to the day — Providence Therapeuti­cs, a Calgary- and Toronto-based biotechnol­ogy firm, informed the Canadian government that it was weeks away from completing a messenger RNA (MRNA) vaccine that could combat COVID, but it needed

$35 million, not as a gift, but as an investment towards vaccines.

Brad Sorenson, the founder and president of Providence, says he kept getting told he would get an answer soon, but ultimately waited not seven days, not seven weeks, but seven long, excruciati­ng, deadly months before finally

receiving a measly $4.7 million from the National Research Council on Oct. 27.

Last March, Providence Therapeuti­cs was just weeks behind Moderna in developing an effective MRNA vaccine. Now, it's just finishing up its stage one clinical trials while Moderna's vaccine has been rolling off the production line for months now and saving millions of lives.

That's why it's such a relief to have Alberta step in and launch this applicatio­n process for vaccine makers, that cannot only potentiall­y supply Albertans with vaccines for variants of COVID-19 but also supply booster shots, which experts say will be needed for some time.

“Our trials are showing that our vaccine is as good or better than Moderna's,” says Sorenson. “It's just a matter of Moderna got $1 billion worth of support.

“We're not looking for $1 billion, not even close, but we do need support to compete,” says Sorenson.

So, why can't Providence do it alone? Well, because now that other government­s have pitched in, the playing field is not even.

“Even though Moderna is looking at booking $16 billion worth of revenue this year with its COVID-19 vaccine, when it

comes to their program for the South African variant, all they had to do is make it and send it to the NIH (the U.S. National Institutes of Health) and the NIH is doing all of the preclinica­l testing on that. It doesn't cost Moderna anything and it doesn't drain the resources of their company. They literally made it and shipped it out and the U.S. government is doing all of the work to validate that for them. That level of support is so significan­t. That's what we're competing against on an internatio­nal stage. When we do come to the federal government and now the provincial government and people say, `Why can't you just do it yourself?' Well, we can, but we're just far less competitiv­e.”

Sorenson says Providence has already created a vaccine for the most virulent variant — the South African variant — and it is close to completing one for the Brazilian variant.

“It would have been better had this happened last year. That's the simple truth,” acknowledg­es Sorenson.

“But there's a lot of things that happened last year that a lot of people wish they could change and we can't. It doesn't do a lot of good for me to keep beating up the federal government for what they decided in 2020. All I can do is try to encourage them and hope 2021 is not going to be a repeat of 2020.”

That's the right attitude and one hopefully Alberta will keep in mind after the federal government clearly dropped the ball on vaccines — leaving Canada — a G-7 country, 43rd in the world according to Bloomberg's vaccine tracker, as of March 7.

“We see this move as the Alberta government recognizin­g the importance of the pharmaceut­ical industry and having a role in economic diversific­ation and also having a role in providing security of supply for this pandemic and ones in the future,” said Sorenson.

Premier Jason Kenney says even though it looks like Canada may start getting some large scale supply from the internatio­nal pharmaceut­ical companies, building up an Alberta supply and industry is worth exploring.

“By the time any Alberta producers get to phase three and Health Canada approvals later this year ... there's still an obvious, long-term interest of having our own domestic vaccine production capacity first of all to deal with potential new vaccines that address variants of COVID-19 and potentiall­y for booster shots; if there's another scramble for supply around the world, it would be great to have our own booster shot capacity. And we should be prepared for future pandemics,” he said.

“I draw the comparison after the Second World War there was starvation in many parts of the world. We all got focused on food security. Now, we've got to get focused on vaccine security and we're willing to make significan­t investment­s to make that happen,” he said during a news conference on Monday.

“Every single peer of ours is receiving support from their federal government­s,” says Sorenson. “If at the end of the day we don't receive that support, we'll have to look at where do we go because you have to do that to remain competitiv­e.

“We don't want to do that. I was born in Calgary. I've lived here all my life and I love Alberta. I love Canada but we've got to realize that we've got to be competitiv­e.”

It would be a national shame to lose Providence and other companies like it. We mustn't let that happen.

 ?? GAVIN YOUNG ?? Brad Stevens, left and Brad Sorenson were ready to produce a vaccine last year but needed a federal investment of cash.
GAVIN YOUNG Brad Stevens, left and Brad Sorenson were ready to produce a vaccine last year but needed a federal investment of cash.
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