Calgary Herald

Indian diaspora in Canada divided by farmers' revolt

Three laws are the source of friction, says Rishi Nagar.

- Rishi Nagar is the news director at Red FM 106.7 in Calgary and a member of the City of Calgary's anti-racism action committee and the Calgary Police Service's anti-racism committee.

Thousands of years later and about 125 kilometres south of Kurukshetr­a, where Mahabharat­a was fought between the good and the evil from the same clan, battle lines are drawn once again among the citizens of the same nation with each party claiming to be on the right side of history.

The ownership of land is once more at the heart of the conflict.

Three controvers­ial farm laws, introduced by the New Delhi government, have become a source of friction. This big fight against the faulty system has turned people of Indian origin against each other in Canada and the United States.

Sikhs make up 60 per cent of the Indian population in Canada.

The majority of Hindus in Canada are from Gujarat, where Narendra Modi was chief minister for 15 successive years before becoming prime minister in 2014.

For many Hindus, Modi is a towering political figure, while many others disagree with his policies. Many in Punjab and Haryana, the breadbaske­t of India, don't like his policies.

Currently, 85 per cent of the farmers in these states own less than two hectares of land. This segment feels new farm laws are threatenin­g their livelihood, giving them no choice but to resist.

The Indian government says these laws are aimed to expedite infrastruc­ture investment, technology in the agrarian sector and liberalize farm markets by facilitati­ng the involvemen­t of big corporatio­ns.

Unconvince­d by these claims, farmers demand the repeal of the laws. They see them as “anti-farmer” and deny them the right to be heard in case of a legal dispute. This goes against the principle of natural justice that is enshrined in the Indian Constituti­on. Most political scientists in Canada and India agree these laws won't help farmers in the long run.

The majority of about 700,000 Sikh Canadians come from rural India, many still holding land titles there. They are behind huge demonstrat­ions held across Canada.

Punjabi news media outlets in Canada overwhelmi­ngly support farmers, whereas other language media have chosen to align themselves with New Delhi by promoting pro-india rallies.

In Ontario, Hindu Forum Canada sponsored billboards overseeing major highways, thanking Modi for sending COVID-19 vaccines. The timing of such advertisin­g has conflicted with ongoing protests causing more tension on religious lines within the diaspora.

Sikhs allege provocatio­n on the part of those supporting Modi. Canada has also received COVID-19 vaccines from German and the U.S. “Why no billboards came up to thank those countries?” they wonder.

The story doesn't end there. The pro-india groups also organized Tiranga rallies. The Tiranga (tricolour) is the national flag of India. The question arises, why hold these rallies at a time when the emotions are running high?

A senior journalist, Hartosh Bal, the political editor of New Delhi-based The Caravan magazine was invited to deliver a talk on farm laws at the University of British Columbia on April 7.

Punjabi Studies at UBC organized the event. Some radical Sikhs opposed it because Bal is the nephew of the late K.P.S. Gill, the former director general of police in the Punjab. Buckling under their pressure, UBC cancelled it. As a protest against UBC'S decision, former B.C. premier Ujjal Dosanjh threw away his law degree in the recycling bin. He wrote an open letter to the UBC president expressing his outrage, too.

Such polarizati­on on religious, ideologica­l lines has no place in Canada. Sadly, the widening gulf between Hindus and Sikhs, moderates and radicals, has damaged the multicultu­ral fabric of our adopted home.

People may have difference­s of opinion on issues related to their country of birth, but there is no justificat­ion for spewing venom, street fights or muzzling voices of reason in Canada.

Freedom of expression is integral to Canada; no one can take away this from anyone. Fundamenta­l to Canada's success is its unity in diversity. To keep this diversity alive and strong, it's a must to learn to respect the right of others to have opposite views.

Whether the government of India accepts the demands of farmers or not remains to be seen, but division within the Indian diaspora will leave its ugly footprints for generation­s to come if it is not addressed right now.

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