Calgary Herald

Greens to review leader's status

Paul accused of filing legal action against party


• Green party executives have taken a first step toward suspending Annamie Paul's membership in the party she leads, the latest developmen­t in a feud that has threatened her future in the top job.

Dana Taylor, interim executive director of the Greens' main governing body, has kicked off a membership review that would suspend Paul's status and bar her from representi­ng the party while it is underway, according to three senior party sources. The Canadian Press granted them anonymity because they were not authorized to speak about internal matters publicly.

The process, as outlined in the members' code of conduct, could ultimately result in Paul's party membership being revoked altogether, freezing her ability to lead a party she would no longer belong to, ahead of a likely federal election this year.

The review emerged from a special meeting of the federal council Tuesday night, where Taylor announced the probe would go forward. Paul, who sits on the 13-member body, was not invited to the virtual meeting, the sources say.

They say the stated reason for the review is that Paul launched legal proceeding­s against the party, an accusation disputed by officials close to the leader. Details of the proceeding­s are unclear.

The code of conduct says legal action against the Green Party of Canada by one of its members automatica­lly triggers a review headed by the executive director.

Taylor and party spokeswoma­n Rosie Emery both declined to comment, while Paul was not immediatel­y available on Wednesday.

The membership review follows a months-long battle between party factions, in part over clashing views over how the party and its leader should respond to the Israeli-palestinia­n conflict.

Paul, who has led the party for nine months, faces a non-confidence vote by federal council on July 20 in a process distinct from the membership review. The non-confidence proposal requires three-quarters' support in order to proceed to a party-wide vote the following month at a general meeting.

Separately, the party brass has recently moved to withhold funding from Paul's campaign to win a Toronto seat and temporaril­y laid off about half of the party's employees last week, including all staff in the leader's office.

All this has happened while the party recovers from New Brunswick MP Jenica Atwin crossing the floor to the Liberals last month, leaving the Greens with two seats in the House of Commons.

Last month, Paul fired back against party executives in response to an earlier move to push her out, calling them out for “racist” and “sexist” accusation­s that were included in a letter obtained by The Canadian Press.

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