Calgary Herald




As the world watched Afghanista­n fall to the Taliban, Canadian veterans and their families were dealing with conflictin­g emotions about what their sacrifice and hardship accomplish­ed in the war-torn nation, and reflecting on the support networks that have sustained them in the years following Canada's withdrawal.

Matt Anderson, who was part of the reconstruc­tion team in Kandahar from 2008 to 2009, said the last month and a half has been a “bit of a roller-coaster” as he watched Afghanista­n's government collapse amid the final withdrawal of U.S. troops.

“It is still upsetting to think about, because you did have a connection there,” Anderson said. “I go back to thinking about spending time in villages with kids, giving them pens and water and muffins and stuff. And then wondering, you know, what they're doing now. They're old enough now that they can have kids.”

While for many Canadians, this country's role in Afghanista­n ended in 2014, for those who served — and have family who served — the memories, and the scars, from that time still linger. Anderson said he tries to think of his mission in Afghanista­n as a job.

“You try and have that disconnect. It's just so hard to,” he said. “And then I have friends that are definitely torn up over it, feeling like it was a waste of time and a waste of life — like friends I've lost.”

Friday marks Military Family Appreciati­on Day, an annual day to “raise awareness of the challenges, to recognize the resiliency and to thank military families for their sacrifices,” according to the Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services. It's held on the third Friday in September each year since it was created by the House of Commons in June 2019.

Rick Seymour, the chief executive officer with the Together We Stand Foundation, said the work military families do so often goes unnoticed. The TWS Foundation was created to recognize and support military families.

“The support Canadian military families give their loved ones in uniform is critical to the unimpeded ability to focus on their important missions. Deployment­s, moving, isolation, loss of life ... they make these sacrifices in the name of service to their country and so that our families don't have to,” Seymour said.

For those in the military, and soldiers who've served abroad, the burdens they bring back home with them are shared, whether with friends or parents, or spouses.

“When I was over there, I was 21 at the time, and I was single, no kids ... For me, it was my parents,” said Anderson, who lost friends in two improvised explosive device detonation­s.

After he returned, he was diagnosed with PTSD.

“I had a suicide attempt in 2009 ... I was in New Brunswick at the time, my dad dropped everything to go out there and support me,” said Anderson, who is now a volunteer with TWS. “Even my best friend had a really rough time while I was over there ... And then, seeing that I changed.”

Eleanor Millar's husband, Tom, served in Afghanista­n and has done other tours, too. She knows intimately the stresses that military families face when their loved ones are abroad, and recalls the worry every time he was outside the wire, embedded with the Afghan National Army.

“I was happy for him, because he'd call me being, like, you know, we're doing good things over here ... this sense of, like, I'm doing something important,” said Miller. “So I felt kind of, I don't know, I almost felt guilty, being anxious about him, you know?”

While he was deployed, she worked hard to keep any stressful news from home to herself, she said. Millar now volunteers with TWS.

“And I just kind of, you know, internaliz­ed it and had to find other support systems for myself when he was away, which is hard, because it's your partner,” she said. “You're used to that person being there to support you. And then you're just like, okay, the rules are reversed. I have to be 100 per cent focused on what's best for him.”

Millar said the last couple months have been “triggering,” thinking about the people who helped Canada while we were in Afghanista­n, and the Canadians sent to try and get our allies out.

“I found myself very glued to the news all the day. And quite unexpected­ly getting a little choked up and tearyeyed, which is very unusual for me,” she said.

 ?? MATT ANDERSON ?? Matt Anderson, who served in Kandahar from 2008 to 2009, found support from family was key when he got home.
MATT ANDERSON Matt Anderson, who served in Kandahar from 2008 to 2009, found support from family was key when he got home.

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