Calgary Herald


Jessica Chastain tells Tammy Faye Bakker's story with remarkable and honest fervour


There's a scene early on in The Eyes of Tammy Faye that tells you, if not everything you need to know about televangel­ist Jim Bakker, at least enough to get a sense of what drove the man. It's 1960 and he's attending a bible college, and delivering an ad hoc sermon to his fellow students.

Working himself into a proselytiz­ing frenzy he shouts: “God does not want us to be poor!”

His teacher gently reminds him that Jesus said: “Blessed are the poor.” Bakker shoots back: “Doesn't sound very blessed to me.” And then, noticing a spark from fellow student Tammy Faye Lavalley, he launches into Song of Solomon, chapter 7. Look it up: A racier passage from the King James Bible you will not find.

Bakker is played by Andrew Garfield, who looks more at ease as a young man than he will later in the film under layers of aging makeup. And Tammy Faye is Jessica Chastain, who has been keen to make this movie for years, and throws herself into the part with a fervour that borders on zealotry. Her performanc­e is, dare I say, a revelation.

After a brief prelude in 1952 (Chandler Head plays a young Tammy Faye), we start moving through the Bakkers' lives, with the emphasis (as the title suggests) always on Tammy

Faye. They were an ambitious, social-climbing couple who got their big break on Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasti­ng Network in 1966, and parlayed that into higher ratings, bigger shows, their own satellite network and diversific­ation into property management and even a theme park, the Christian-themed Heritage USA.

Of course, anyone over 40 who grew up with a television will recall the Bakkers' downfall, with Jim accused of the rape of Jessica Hahn, and of having homosexual liaisons, before being convicted of fraud and serving several years in prison. The Eyes of Tammy Faye, written by Abe Sylvia and based on the 2000 documentar­y of the same name, takes a similar position as that film, that she was largely unaware of her husband's crimes until it was too late.

Of course, there's a lot of wiggle room around the word “largely.” When Tammy Faye starts showing her down-to-earth mom, Rachel, around her palatial new home, the older woman sees only avarice and potential financial mismanagem­ent. She tells her daughter: “If you follow blindly, in the end all you are is blind.”

Rachel is played by Cherry Jones in a wonderful performanc­e that stretches far beyond what could have been a one-note strict-mom role. And Garfield does his best to convey Bakker's inner demons, although hampered by the fact that the screenplay shies away from showing anything too overt. Also, though he's pushing 40 he looks too young for the part.

But this is Chastain's vehicle through and through, the latest film from her production company Freckle Films, and almost guaranteed to earn her a third Oscar nomination, plus another for the aptly named hair and makeup department. And regardless of how complicit she may have been in her husband's misdeeds, Tammy Faye in this telling remains very much her own person, talking openly and sympatheti­cally about sexual dysfunctio­n and the AIDS epidemic in ways that upset some of her more conservati­ve viewers.

History has a way of flattening character into caricature, and Tammy Faye Bakker (those clothes! those eyelashes! that Betty Boop voice!) seems to have started down that road early on. The Eyes of Tammy Faye rescues her from that fate and sets her on display for modern viewers more familiar with the Mad Magazine or Saturday Night Live versions of her persona. Whether you ultimately decide to pity her, condemn her, forgive her or even just forget her is now up to you.

 ?? PHOTOS: SEARCHLIGH­T PICTURES ?? Jessica Chastain, standing, is almost guaranteed an Academy Award nomination for her outstandin­g work in The Eyes of Tammy Faye, Chris Knight writes.
PHOTOS: SEARCHLIGH­T PICTURES Jessica Chastain, standing, is almost guaranteed an Academy Award nomination for her outstandin­g work in The Eyes of Tammy Faye, Chris Knight writes.
 ??  ?? Andrew Garfield plays Jim Bakker and Jessica Chastain is Tammy Faye Bakker in Michael Showalter's new film.
Andrew Garfield plays Jim Bakker and Jessica Chastain is Tammy Faye Bakker in Michael Showalter's new film.

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