Calgary Herald

Award-winning Barra Macneils bringing East Coast flair on musical Christmas tour

Musical family visiting Jack Singer Concert Hall at Arts Commons on Nov. 24


The Barra Macneils will usher in the Christmas season with toe-tapping joy.”

As a child growing up on Nova Scotia's Cape Breton Island, Stewart Macneil recalls plenty of family time and a lot of music.

“We did a lot of family stuff, and there was a lot of music around, for sure. It was always a very joyous time for us,” says Macneil, a member of the musical family that makes up the group the Barra Macneils.

“There were always people dropping in, people in good cheer, lots of food and laughs and road hockey. We played a lot of road hockey growing up, too.”

This year, they won't have much time for road hockey. The group is travelling the country presenting The Barra Macneils: An East Coast Christmas. They will play the Jack Singer Concert Hall on Nov. 24 as part of the BD&P World Stage series produced by Arts Commons Presents.

Local roots musicians The Charms will perform before the show and during the intermissi­on.

It's the 20th year that the Barra Macneils have been sharing their lively mix of East Coast Christmas culture and stories across Canada, and for many, the annual performanc­e has become tradition, a joyful part of their holiday celebratio­ns. The show brings a touch of home to the many transplant­ed East Coasters living in Calgary, some of whom won't make it back for the holiday.

“Parents used to take their kids, and now their kids are buying the tickets and taking the parents,” Macneil says with a chuckle. “Hopefully people will still enjoy the show as much as we enjoy putting it on.”

Arts Commons' vicepresid­ent of programmin­g says the show will kick off the holiday season with a bang.

“The Barra Macneils will usher in the Christmas season with toe-tapping joy,” says Sarah Garton Stanley. “Don't miss the chance to get into the spirit.”

Every year, the band alters the show slightly — adding new stories or a song, tweaking an arrangemen­t or dance number to keep the performanc­e fresh.

“We try to change it up a bit, but we try to keep the traditions, too. There are certain things people expect every year,” he says. “It's a real treat to pull it all together.”

The Barra Macneils formed more than 30 years ago. Founding members include siblings Sheumas, Kyle, Stewart and Lucy; brothers Ryan and Boyd are also part of the JUNO Award-winning group, long considered one of the world's greatest Celtic concert acts. They have released more than 15 albums, including three Christmas recordings.

With winter arriving, music can bring some welcome energy, Macneil says.

“We're coming into a dark, cold time of the year,” he says. “Singing really lifts the mood.”

For more informatio­n, including tickets, go to artscommon­ or call 403-294-9494.

 ?? SUPPLIED ?? The Barra Macneils, who have been performing for more than 30 years, are embarking on their 20th anniversar­y Christmas tour this fall.
SUPPLIED The Barra Macneils, who have been performing for more than 30 years, are embarking on their 20th anniversar­y Christmas tour this fall.

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