Calgary Herald

Regal Auctions



During its almost 40 years of business, Regal Auctions has become the king of auction houses in Calgary, holding more than 100 auctions per year.

It’s also gained a reputation for fairness and value, and is the go-to place for both buyers and sellers.

For the third year in a row, Regal Auctions is a Gold winner in the Calgary Readers’ Choice Awards in the Auction House category.

Co-general manager Dwayne Reilander says Regal Auctions works with organizati­ons such as oil companies, the RCMP, Alberta government and City of Calgary, selling excess vehicles and equipment, along with looking after bankruptcy sales and bank repossessi­ons.

“We have access to these places that the public doesn’t, which means a huge inventory of interestin­g and different vehicles, equipment and consumer goods that buyers can’t get anywhere else,” says Reilander.

Last year, Regal Auctions sold more than 10,000 vehicles, making it the largest single automotive sales location in Calgary.

Co-general manager Bob Pixley says the company has always worked hard to serve both buyers and sellers.

“We focus on transparen­cy to make our transactio­ns amicable and fair and build trust with our clients, on both sides,” says Pixley.

He says vehicle auctions are done two main ways: Through a combinatio­n of online and in-person auctions, where buyers can attend the auction or bid from home on their computer; or using an ebay-style auction that runs online for a specific number of days.

Regal Auctions also offers benefits that many auction houses don’t, including a 100-day return policy and buyer protection on major vehicle components — for vehicles above a certain price.

There are also free vehicle history reports, market reports and even new technology such as damage heat maps of vehicles.

Providing as much informatio­n as possible gives buyers the peace of mind they want, and has resulted in a lot of repeat customers, Reilander says.

“Lots of people have been with us for years,” he says. “They buy a vehicle and five years later come back and buy another vehicle. So, over 40 years, you do develop these long-term customer relationsh­ips.”

Go to regalaucti­ for more informatio­n.

 ?? SUPPLIED ?? Over its nearly 40 years in business, Regal Auctions is proud to have developed long-term relationsh­ips with its customers.
SUPPLIED Over its nearly 40 years in business, Regal Auctions is proud to have developed long-term relationsh­ips with its customers.

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