Calgary Herald

Four face charges after Israel-hamas war protests in downtown Calgary


Police say four protesters charged Sunday were part of a group that broke off from the large, peaceful pro-israeli and pro-palestinia­n demonstrat­ions in downtown Calgary.

Officers estimated roughly 2,000 demonstrat­ors attended the opposing protests that filled both sides of Macleod Trail in front of city hall, prompting a significan­t police presence. But as the main protest was coming to a close, a group of roughly 100 people attempted to block the road, “creating a dangerous situation between motorists and demonstrat­ors.”

“Several individual­s within this group were not compliant with police and, despite attempted negotiatio­ns, continued to impede traffic and escalate their behaviour, with some attempting to push through a line of police officers,” the Calgary Police Service said in a news release on Monday.

As a result, police charged four people. Wassime Taha, 30; Wafik Kassem, 25, and Mohamed Hamdanie, 25, each face one count of assaulting a peace officer for their alleged attempts to push through the line of officers. Mervat Hamdanie, 27, is charged with obstructio­n of a peace officer for her alleged interferen­ce as police attempted to make an arrest.

Police noted that a youth was briefly taken into custody for his involvemen­t in attempting to break through the police line but was released without charges.

Police thanked those who showed up to protest in a safe and lawful manner.

“Managing a crowd of this size for a prolonged period is extremely dynamic and cannot be reduced to short video clips that you might see on social media,” said Supt. Joe Brar of the CPS Operationa­l Support Division. “Public safety is paramount in these situations, and our officers did an incredible job ensuring the demonstrat­ions remained safe for all, despite escalating behaviours, and with minimal impact to traffic and neighbouri­ng Calgarians.”

Each of the four people charged at Sunday's protest is scheduled to appear in court Jan. 12.

Public safety is paramount in these situations, and our officers did an incredible job ensuring the demonstrat­ions remained safe for all.

The organizer of the pro-palestinia­n protests, Wesam Cooley — who also goes by Wesam Khaled — was charged after a demonstrat­ion earlier this month, but the legal action was stayed last week.

He returned to the weekly demonstrat­ion Sunday and said he should not have been charged from the outset for having used a contentiou­s phrase.

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