Calgary Herald

Pro-palestinia­n protester believes he shouldn't have been charged for chant


A man who repeatedly used a contentiou­s chant at a pro-palestinia­n rally says he never should have been charged by Calgary police because the phrase is not offensive.

Wesam Cooley, 32, was charged following a protest in the city's downtown earlier this month with causing a disturbanc­e, and a hate motivation had been applied to that offence. His charges were stayed Friday by Alberta's Crown prosecutio­n service.

“I was hoping they would be dropped. They never should have been laid in the first place,” Cooley, who also goes by Wesam Khaled, told reporters Sunday before another pro-palestinia­n rally was held in Calgary.

“There's absolutely nothing offensive about the chant `from the river to the sea.' It's a call for freedom for the people of Palestine.”

Many Palestinia­n activists say the chant is a call for peace and equality after 75 years of Israeli statehood, but Jewish people hear a clear demand for Israel's destructio­n.

It has become a battle cry for pro-palestinia­n activists since the deadly attacks by Hamas across southern Israel on Oct. 7 and Israel's later bombardmen­t of the Gaza Strip.

When Cooley was charged, Calgary police said two groups of protesters gathered at City Hall on Nov. 5 to show support for Palestine and Israel. Officers met with each group to address the safety of participan­ts and discuss some of the language and signage from past protests.

Police alleged he took to the stage, acknowledg­ed the conversati­on, then repeatedly used an “antisemiti­c phrase” while encouragin­g the crowd to follow along.

The phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” was again chanted by the hundreds gathered at Sunday's rally at Calgary City Hall, which took place across the street from a rally for Israel.

Some Jewish people at the pro-israel rally said they are deeply offended by the phrase.

“It's very clear what they are saying,” said Elliott Steinberg. “They are talking about the Jordan River and the Mediterran­ean which, if you look at a map, encompasse­s all of Israel.

“So what they're saying is that when they want to free Palestine, they want to clear it of all Jewish people. That's genocide.”

Leigh-anne Palter, who's also Jewish, said there's no nuance to the phrase.

“The entire region is Arab. There's a tiny little portion of the world that belongs to Jews,” she said. “It means what they mean. Hamas exists to extinguish the Jewish people.”

Khaled said Sunday he doesn't see it that way.

“We have members of the Jewish community at all of our marches. All around the world, Jewish organizati­ons have been leading demonstrat­ions and solidarity with Palestine, including this chant,” he said.

“Jewish people in this country should not feel threatened by this chant. We are opposed to all forms of racism, including antisemiti­sm.”

Experts in freedom of expression said the phrase is considered aspiration­al for many Palestinia­ns and hateful for many in the Jewish community, but noted it isn't illegal speech. Canadian courts have said democracy rests on robust public discourse, they noted.

 ?? JEFF MCINTOSH/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Wesam Cooley, who also goes by Wesam Khaled, who was recently arrested and charged by Calgary Police, addresses a pro-palestine rally in Calgary on Sunday.
JEFF MCINTOSH/THE CANADIAN PRESS Wesam Cooley, who also goes by Wesam Khaled, who was recently arrested and charged by Calgary Police, addresses a pro-palestine rally in Calgary on Sunday.

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