Calgary Herald

Sask. premier calls sex allegation­s against MLA vile

Backbenche­r arrested at Regina business where he is accused of seeking services

- The Canadian Press

Saskatchew­an Premier Scott Moe says allegation­s that a legislatur­e member procured sex are vile and disgusting.

Moe told reporters Monday he took immediate action to remove Ryan Domotor from government caucus after police informed the premier of a charge involving the Saskatchew­an Party backbenche­r.

“This is not acceptable in any way, by myself, by this government, and most certainly terrible,” Moe said.

Domotor, who now sits as an independen­t, was arrested last week at a Regina business, where he was accused of seeking to obtain sexual services.

The vice unit had conducted a sting operation to combat sexual exploitati­on and human traffickin­g, and arrested 16 people, including Domotor.

Regina police said Monday the sting took place at a hotel, but it could not provide more details on the location due to the covert nature of the operation.

Lindsey Hoemsen, the police spokespers­on, said in an email the public was not at risk.

“This type of project is something that the vice unit carries out several times a year to proactivel­y combat sexual exploitati­on and human traffickin­g,” Hoemsen said.

Moe says it's wrong for people to exploit women who are in vulnerable situations.

“The way to stop that from happening is for men to make a different decision and for men to not make the decision to exploit women that are most, quite often, in a very vulnerable position,”

Moe said.

Moe has removed Domotor from all of his responsibi­lities. Domotor is to no longer be a candidate for next year's provincial election, the premier added.

He said his government plans to make amendments to human-traffickin­g legislatio­n.

 ?? THE CANADIAN PRESS/ LEGISLATIV­E ASSEMBLY OF SASKATCHEW­AN FILES ?? Former Saskatchew­an Party member Ryan Domotor was arrested last week after being accused of seeking sexual services at a Regina business. He was removed from government caucus after the allegation­s.
THE CANADIAN PRESS/ LEGISLATIV­E ASSEMBLY OF SASKATCHEW­AN FILES Former Saskatchew­an Party member Ryan Domotor was arrested last week after being accused of seeking sexual services at a Regina business. He was removed from government caucus after the allegation­s.

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