Calgary Herald

Haley confronts prospect of home state loss


•Nikki Haley kicked off a rally by touting more than a dozen accomplish­ments from her tenure as governor. She touched on the hard times she led the state through, from hurricanes to floods to the racist massacre at the historical­ly Black Mother Emanuel AME Church.

“We rallied, we hunkered down, and we got to work,” she said Thursday, reflecting on her economic strategy as governor, after an opening speaker introduced her as “South Carolina's favourite daughter.”

Yet the Republican presidenti­al candidate's long record in the state where she rose to prominence has mostly met a collective shrug ahead of Saturday's primary as she squares off against Donald Trump.

Now, Haley is hurtling toward something she has never experience­d in the Palmetto State: defeat.

“They know her there better than anywhere else, and she can't get out of the 30s,” said Terry Sullivan, a longtime Republican strategist who worked for one of Haley's rivals in the 2010 gubernator­ial race, referring to her percentage of support in recent polls. “It's as good as it's going to get for her. It's not like they don't know you well enough.”

Haley, who served as Trump's UN ambassador, built her political career in South Carolina, defying the odds to win both her 2004 race for the state House and the 2010 gubernator­ial election. (Those victories came after Haley defeated her primary opponents in runoffs). In the lead-up to her White House bid, she boasted that she had “never lost.” But polls show her well behind Trump, whom many in the party see as the presumptiv­e nominee.

It's Haley's experience prevailing in previous races in which she was counted out, some associates and observers say, that has prompted her to stay in the race, even though she has yet to win a single state. (The Trump campaign estimates that the former president will lock down the requisite number of delegates to win the nomination by next month.)

Haley's refusal to abandon her bid for the White House despite a near-impossible path to victory has raised questions about what her end goal is — and what her future might look like in the GOP with Trump as the nominee.

“I don't care about a political future. If I did I would have been out by now,” Haley said.

In what she billed as a “state of the race” speech on Tuesday, Haley sought to address questions that have loomed over her effort. She outlined her plan to remain in the race for the nomination and declared that she has “no fear of Trump's retributio­n.”

“Dropping out would be the easy route. I've never taken the easy route. I've been the underdog in every race I've ever run,” she said in that speech. “I've always been David taking on Goliath. And like David, I'm not just fighting someone bigger than me. I'm fighting for something bigger than myself.”

Haley has developed a reputation for insularity as a candidate — someone who is known for following her own instincts and taking advice from a small circle of confidants. That has left many Republican­s wondering about her ultimate aim.

One South Carolina GOP consultant, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to talk more candidly about the race, suggested several possible scenarios for Haley's thinking: One is that Trump eventually loses in the general election and Haley can be the “I told you so” candidate in 2028. Another “could be as simple as she loves a fight; she likes to be an underdog.” And the third, the consultant said, is the possibilit­y that Trump is convicted (he faces 91 criminal charges) and she is the last person standing — a theory that is popular among voters here in the state who are backing her effort.

Yet some suggested that there could be longer-term consequenc­es for sticking around so long.

“There is risk involved in this endeavour,” said Rob Godfrey, a South Carolina-based consultant and former deputy chief of staff to Haley who is neutral in the race. “The longer you stay in the race and come up short, the likelier you are to alienate people you might want to court down the road, the more potential damage you do to the party's eventual nominee, and the more resources you divert from the party's effort to win back the Senate and expand the House majority.”

Godfrey, however, added that Haley “rarely has the same goals traditiona­l candidates have, and she hasn't ever cared whether the party apparatus likes her — she cares whether they respect her.”

Trump, meanwhile, boasts strong support in South Carolina, where he has the backing of Republican Gov. Henry Mcmaster, as well as most of the state's members of Congress, including GOP senators Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott. Scott, whom Haley appointed to the Senate in 2012, is seen as a potential Trump running mate, and he has campaigned for Trump in the state. The South Carolina Republican told reporters Thursday that Haley should step aside “for the good of the country” after Saturday's primary.

“The one person that stands in the way of having a conversati­on between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is Nikki Haley,” he said. “Getting out of the way is incredibly important, not for the party but for America's future.”

Joel Sawyer, a South Carolina-based political consultant, called the state a “damned if you do, damned if you don't situation” for Haley.

“On the one hand if you lose your home state, people say, `Wow, you can't even win your home state.' If you win your home state, people say, `Of course you did, that's your home state,'” Sawyer said.

Haley has vowed to stay in through Super Tuesday in early March, and she is scheduled to head to Michigan after the South Carolina primary.

 ?? JUSTIN SULLIVAN / GETTY IMAGES ?? Republican presidenti­al candidate Nikki Haley speaks at a campaign event on Friday in Moncks Corner, South
Carolina. The state, where Haley had been governor, holds its Republican primary on Saturday.
JUSTIN SULLIVAN / GETTY IMAGES Republican presidenti­al candidate Nikki Haley speaks at a campaign event on Friday in Moncks Corner, South Carolina. The state, where Haley had been governor, holds its Republican primary on Saturday.

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