Calgary Herald

Local AI non-profit group to receive Google grant


An Edmonton-based non-profit organizati­on that specialize­s in AI is receiving a big boost from Google Canada.

On Monday, Google Canada announced will provide $2.7 million in funding to three Canadian organizati­ons, including Alberta Machine Intelligen­ce Institute (Amii), to support AI research in areas such as sustainabi­lity and the responsibl­e developmen­t of the technology.

The funding will support Amii's autonomous drinking water project, which enables the deployment of modular water treatment systems into underserve­d regions using reinforcem­ent learning. While the project primarily targets to support underserve­d communitie­s in Canada, the informatio­n learned will help reduce the overall water treatment energy use globally through automation-driven optimizati­on.

“For us, it's an accelerati­on of a project that we're really passionate about,” said Cam Linke, CEO of Amii.

“It's an opportunit­y to tackle an ongoing and big problem of water quality issues in underserve­d regions not just in Canada, but globally.”

While AI has had some negative impacts around the world, Amii has a background of looking for positive uses for AI. Linke says Amii has used AI in the past to help detect methane leaks, or quality of care in optimizing the health care system.

They're dedicated to using AI to make a difference in the world.

Amii supports world-class research in AI and machine learning. It translates key research and breakthrou­ghs into business impact, focusing on transferri­ng that knowledge, talent and technology at scale to rapidly improve AI education for everyone.

“We're really big believers in AI'S future, and the positive impact it can have, and while you look at the challenges we're facing as a planet, AI is a great tool to use to help with those challenges,” said Linke.

“We want to continue to invest in ways for it to have a positive impact. Any time we see challenges arrive with the deployment system, it's how can we educate people better if they're using the system, so they can leverage the system and make it work best.”

Linke says that Amii has built a strong relationsh­ip with Google Canada and having it as a resource will allow Amii to continue to work toward fulfilling projects that can make an impact globally.

“We have a great relationsh­ip with Google, and they're always looking for meaningful projects with AI, and it led to a number of great conversati­ons with Google.”

There has been a surge in AI developmen­t in Canada over the last several years, and the sector is looking to use the technology to address some of the world's biggest challenges.

“Unlocking AI'S potential demands a collective effort, working with others across industries, civil society, education, ethics and more — so we can expand our knowledge and empower others to harness AI'S promise,” Google Canada vice-president and country manager Sabrina Geremia said in a news

 ?? GREG SOUTHAM FILES ?? “We're really big believers in AI'S future,” says Cam Linke, CEO at Alberta Machine Intelligen­ce Institute (Amii).
GREG SOUTHAM FILES “We're really big believers in AI'S future,” says Cam Linke, CEO at Alberta Machine Intelligen­ce Institute (Amii).

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