Calgary Herald



That’s an Order! by Paul Coulter, edited by David Steinberg


1 Place mat’s place 6 Backless seat

11 Item once common in a glove compartmen­t 14 Geometry calculatio­ns

15 Michelle’s predecesso­r in the White House

16 Yoko whose son is

Sean Lennon

17 Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel and Seth?

19 Blasting letters

20 London gallery

21 What can be added to impress?

22 Top dogs

24 “The Persistenc­e of Memory” painter 26 Zzzzzzz

27 PC key under Z

30 Venus?

34 Use for a rendezvous

36 Court romantical­ly

37 Sky’s color, in France 38 Cause of ruin

39 Barbecue site

40 Long, long times

41 Fails to be

42 A, in Austria

43 Web discussion site 45 PH.D.?

48 Most frequent letters in “Sean Lennon”

49 Agra attire

50 Thousand ___, Calif. 52 Care for a calico

54 Tampa Bay NFL player, briefly

55 Stumble

59 Indigo or violet

60 D?

63 Glass on the radio? 64 Student getting one-on-one help

65 Kind of box or saw 66 Popular cooking spray

67 Frets

68 “Bark,” to a dog trainer


1 Only chief justice who was a former president

2 Diva’s delivery

3 Ernie’s roommate

4 Did some light surgery?

5 “C’___ la vie!”

6 Like Serbs and Croats 7 Domesticat­e

8 French for “yes” 9 Magic place?

10 Stayed out of sight 11 Main vein

12 The “I” of “The King and I”

13 Flower holders

18 ___ mignon

23 Dug into

25 Words between “cool” and “cucumber”

26 Little brat

27 Scope

28 Chow line?

29 Group known for raising rackets?

31 Needing to repay

32 First leader of the Soviet Union

33 Prepares to look for fingerprin­ts

35 Bright fish in aquariums

39 Bakery buys that rhyme with “buys”

42 Cut from a column, maybe

43 Arm span

44 “A rat!”

46 Piles formed by blizzards

47 Mail carriers’ circuits 51 Bacon unit

52 Vase defect

53 Mystical glow

54 Beer or tea

56 Put on a scale 57 Brainstorm­ing result

58 Benefit such as paid time off

61 Arapaho foe

62 Baseball VIPS

 ?? ??

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