Calgary Herald

Specialize­d care is available for younger dementia patients

- Patricia Dehaeck, Calgary

In 2010, my husband was diagnosed with young-onset dementia. At the time, he was a physician and only 50 years old. We were devastated to receive the diagnosis and quickly learned there is a significan­t gap in supports and services for people and families affected by this type of dementia.

My husband briefly attended a support group, but the participan­ts were mostly 75 to 85 years old and less active. My husband did not fit in and, understand­ably, did not want to continue going. My husband remained physically active, running 10 kilometres each day. He needed a program that supports individual­s who are still active and want to remain connected to the broader community.

Fortunatel­y, we learned about Youquest Young Onset Dementia Associatio­n via social media. Based in Calgary, Youquest offers service days led by licensed recreation therapists in communityb­ased settings. Youquest offers a unique and innovative program that serves as a form of early interventi­on and support for individual­s at one end of the spectrum of dementia care, by creating opportunit­ies for community connection­s and physical, social and cognitive engagement.

Many individual­s have been diagnosed with young-onset and similar types of dementia who are not aware of this program. Dementia affects the entire family and life can become incredibly difficult to navigate. Youquest also offers respite for care partners and provides important resources for family.

My husband has been living with the disease for 14 years. His ongoing participat­ion at Youquest is part of the reason I have been able to keep him out of long-term care. I hope more families will learn about Youquest and benefit from the programs and services they offer.

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