Calgary Herald

Medication­s in home posing harm to children

Parents, caregivers need to be vigilant with storage, dosing, health experts say


A physician at the Stollery Children's Hospital is concerned about the number of cases he sees of poisonings among children aged 0-5 related to medication­s.

“There hasn't been a significan­t change in numbers, but they're certainly not decreasing,” said Dr. Andrew Dixon, a physician for 15 years.

“It comes down to a bit of forgetfuln­ess among parents and caregivers. You take something out of the cupboard and forget to put it back and the child finds it. They see nice colours and something that may look like candy to them, and they eat it.”

Alberta Health Service's Poison and Drug Informatio­n Service (PADIS) received 2,696 calls of potential poison exposure in children aged five and under in the Edmonton area in 2023. A total of 1,891 of those calls came directly within Edmonton.

Across the province, PADIS annually receives more than 9,500 calls a year relating to children aged five and under. That averages out to six out of every 10 calls and 27 calls a day.

PADIS offers free and confidenti­al telephone advice 24 hours a day from public and health care profession­als on poisons, chemicals, medicines, and herbal supplement­s. This service provides emergency advice about poisonings and poison education and prevention.

Not all calls led to hospital admissions and several of these cases would be managed through home care and direction from PADIS, but it's a stark reminder to all parents and caregivers to keep medication­s out of reach and out of sight of young children.

“It comes down to education of parents and caregivers to be mindful of where they're storing their medication­s. They need to be out of reach of children,” said Kathy Belton, director of the Injury Prevention Centre based in the University of Alberta's school of public health.

“I think because over-the-counter medication­s and medication­s are so common place in our world, we don't often think of them as things that can harm, because most of the time medication­s are prescribed for a person's good.”

While Belton said often parents aren't storing medication­s away from children properly, which lead to incidents, she also says some people have a false sense of security when it comes to “childproof” bottles.

“They're not childproof. Nothing is childproof. They're child-resistant. Depending on the child, it's a matter of just minutes or seconds before they're into that medication,” said Belton.

Belton said she's seeing a number of cases where grandparen­ts are moving into the home, or visiting, and may have medication­s in their purses or jackets that children are apt to find.

Belton says the best way to prevent poisoning among young children is for parents to keep medication­s stored in high places and out of reach of children.

“It's an added stress and cost, that quite frankly our health-care system is overburden­ed as is. We could alleviate some of the stress on our health-care system if people took the proper precaution­s,” said Belton.

Belton said that parents and caregivers also need to be aware when administer­ing medication to children. She's seen situations where a parent or caregiver may have not checked to see if the medication has been given already, leading to an excess dosage.

She also says that medication needs to be given in the proper manner.

“We're trying to encourage parents to use proper technique to administer medication. Now that all the spoons aren't the same size, that's an issue,” said Belton.

“We encourage parents to use a syringe or medication cup, because then the child is actually getting the appropriat­e dose.”


Belton says there are a number of household items and other products around a person's home that can cause problems, too.

“Hand sanitizer is common. Kids mimic what parents would do with the hand sanitizer, and then put their hands in their mouth. The amount you'd typically use is meant for an adult hand, and it's way too much for their little hands,” said Belton.

“A lot of homes have sage products, those essential oils can be poisonous. Things like vitamin D, melatonin, cosmetics. There are a whole host of things that can cause a child to get sick if they ingest it.”

Dixon says that many of the poison cases he sees involving medication at the Stollery are treatable, but he said he's seen an increase in cases involving children ingesting marijuana edibles, laundry pods and button-sized batteries.

“Young children who ingest marijuana edibles can cause some big issues,” said Dixon.

“Laundry pods are very serious and button batteries, they're the most dangerous. They can burn a child's esophagus.”

 ?? ?? Brightly coloured pills can look like candy to children, says Dr. Andrew Dixon at Stollery Children's Hospital.
Brightly coloured pills can look like candy to children, says Dr. Andrew Dixon at Stollery Children's Hospital.
 ?? ?? Dr. Andrew Dixon
Dr. Andrew Dixon

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