Calgary Herald

Marathon marks 60 years with record turnout

Eager participan­ts, 1,400 volunteers and clanging cowbells create `magical' event

- STEVEN WILHELM With files from Laurice Gomes

Thousands of runners laced up their shoes for the 60th annual Calgary Marathon on Sunday, their efforts met with the sound of cheers and clanging cowbells from countless spectators.

An event 18 months in the making, this year's attendance was the highest in a decade — sold out at 13,600, said Kirsten Fleming, Calgary Marathon executive director.

The weather held up for the first third of the full 42.2-kilometre marathon, with nothing but a swift breeze according to John Danforth, who completed the full marathon in just over three and a half hours.

“You're working up a sweat — and then we hit the rain,” said Danforth, who was also running a marathon for the first time Sunday.

The downpour eventually stopped, but that breeze cut through runners, making for a chilly run.

“I hit a wall around kilometre 39 and had to walk a little bit, but then those last two kilometres I was able to just kind of `gut it out,' ” Danforth said.

“It's really emotional, especially for a first time. The crowds, the noise, the cowbells — love the cowbells. The energy is so high, and your energy is so low and you're just pushing. It was an incredible feeling.”

Fleming said the marathon, along with all its other distance varieties, has become more than just a race.

“In 1963 it was really just about going out (and) running. You would leave the start line without any fans or fanfare, and go out (to) run a marathon, come back. They would give you a sip of water and send you on your way.

“Marathons are parties now, festivals, and huge gatherings of your community,” said Fleming.

Adding another layer of excitement this year was seeing that around 35 per cent of participan­ts said it was their first race, according to Fleming.

“I haven't felt this kind of `buzz' for the Calgary Marathon in a number of years,” said Jon Szeto, who finished his eighth marathon in Calgary on Sunday.

There are months and months of training and dedication that go into a race, according to Szeto.

“Aiming for that end goal, race day is always a treat,” he said.

Another full marathon runner, Warren Handley, said the experience was incredible, with an emotional homestretc­h to the finish line.

“The last five (kilometres), tears, gut's wrenching a little bit, knees are sore, it still feels good. It feels like a bad John Mellencamp song, it Hurts So Good,” Handley laughed.

Brought to the marathon by his love for running, he said being out feels like a privilege.

“Massive gratitude to the volunteers, to everybody that comes out to cheer it on,” said Handley.

Fleming said the event came together thanks to a “small but mighty team” of 1,400 volunteers.

“It's pretty magical to see it all come together,” she said.

Including spectators and racers, Fleming estimates more than 30,000 people attended Sunday's festivitie­s.

The women's marathon was won by Calgarian Emily James in a time of 2:49:16. In the men's event, Vernon, B.C.'S Jordan Clay took the title in 2:36:00.

This year's fundraisin­g total was $743,073 in support of 109 local charities, and donations will continue to be accepted until June 23. A few Guinness World Record attempts were at play over the course of this year's event, the first one taking place on Friday for the `longest ice bath.'

Fleming said that record was broken, and according to a social media post from André Belibi, he was submerged in ice for four hours and five minutes.

Another record attempt — fastest half-marathon linked together — was broken unofficial­ly on Sunday, said Fleming.

Kyle Gieni also completed the `fastest marathon in a non-racing wheelchair with poles,' which Fleming said is a record, so accepting it is up to Guinness.

 ?? DARREN MAKOWICHUK ?? Thousands took part in the 60th annual Calgary Marathon at the Stampede grounds on Sunday. with about 35 per cent saying it was their first race.
DARREN MAKOWICHUK Thousands took part in the 60th annual Calgary Marathon at the Stampede grounds on Sunday. with about 35 per cent saying it was their first race.
 ?? DARREN MAKOWICHUK ?? Women's marathon winner Emily James, left, of Calgary and men's winner Jordan Clay of Vernon, B.C. are shown crossing the finish line on Sunday at the 60th annual Calgary Marathon.
DARREN MAKOWICHUK Women's marathon winner Emily James, left, of Calgary and men's winner Jordan Clay of Vernon, B.C. are shown crossing the finish line on Sunday at the 60th annual Calgary Marathon.
 ?? ??

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