Canada's History

The Fate of Canada: F.R. Scott’s Journal of the Royal Commission on Bilinguali­sm and Bicultural­ism, 1963–1971

- Reviewed by Victor Rabinovitc­h, former president of the Canadian Museum of Civilizati­on (now the Canadian Museum of History) and a distinguis­hed fellow at Queen’s University’s School of Policy Studies.

edited by Graham Fraser McGill-Queen’s University Press, 384 pages, $37.95 Language haunts us still. It is a proxy for Canada’s continuing stresses around unity and identity. The country’s latest language conflicts, focused on Quebec’s Bill 86, have distressin­g parallels with past English-French arguments. The modern grandfathe­r of such policy debates was the Royal Commission on Bilinguali­sm and Bicultural­ism (1963 to 1971). A central figure from that commission, Frank Scott, kept a personal diary that has now been published, casting new

light on many characters and historic choices from that time.

Frank Scott was an exceptiona­l intellectu­al and cultural force, a powerful “influencer” in today’s jargon. As a much- admired poet, a lively humourist, and a brilliant legal thinker, he was introduced in 1982 to Queen Elizabeth II by Prime Minister Pierre-Elliott Trudeau, who said: “Everything I learned about the Constituti­on I learned from this man.”

Scott’s diary recounts many debates and exchanges that are coloured with gossip and anecdotes. The bilinguali­sm and bicultural­ism commission­ers were assisted by a brilliant array of researcher­s and represente­d a wide range of opinions and experience. The commission­ers included Quebec nationalis­ts, respected broadcaste­rs and academics, Ukrainian- and Polish- Canadian activists, and francophon­e leaders from outside Quebec.

Although the commission and its leaders have been studied previously, this is the first time that Scott’s private words have been available to a general audience. They reveal a profound evolution in thinking by him and by other commission­ers as they came to see language divisions as symptoms of the country’s deeper challenges. This was captured in a chilling phrase that featured in their 1965 interim report: “Canada, without being fully conscious of the fact, is passing through the greatest crisis in its history.”

Scott was celebrated for his successful defence of individual rights, notably in the Roncarelli appeal against Quebec’s infamous “Padlock Law” that had suppressed the religious freedom of Jehovah’s Witnesses. As dean of McGill University’s law school, and as a founder of Canada’s social democratic party ( the CCF, forerunner of today’s NDP), he had earned his status as a respected public intellectu­al. And yet, as he confessed to his diary, he was not certain how to approach the country’s divisive issues of language and culture.

Over several years, after hearing community voices across the country, including harsh critics of proposed changes to the status quo, and after many discussion­s with fellow commission­ers, Scott concluded that for the English and French in Canada “use of the language is a human right.” (This concept inspired sections in the 1982 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.)

Members of the Royal Commission were tempted to roam widely as they wrestled with national-unity questions. Some wanted to recommend core constituti­onal reforms; others wanted to propose protection­s for languages widely spoken by immigrant groups (though there was little attention to languages spoken by Indigenous peoples). Scott repeatedly defended the Royal Commission’s language-and-culture mandate. With a keen jurist’s eye, he insisted that the commission stick to its area of expertise, buttressed by research and facts, while avoiding a “journalist­ic manner … seldom going below the surface.”

The commission eventually published five volumes of findings and recommenda­tions. Its background research was top- quality. Its policy outlook has formed the basis of federal language thinking up to our times: official languages, education programs, individual rights, and the recognitio­n of Canada’s core duality in a framework of multiple cultures. By supporting the concept of diversity within political unity, it can be argued that the bilinguali­sm and bicultural­ism commission laid the groundwork for today’s transformi­ng acceptance of Indigenous expression.

However, Scott also voiced his fears of growing ethnic nationalis­m and separatism. As a bilingual Quebecer of anglophone origin, he hoped that linguistic tolerance would take hold as a core social value, as much in Quebec as in the English-led provinces. Scott would certainly be deeply dismayed by Quebec’s Bill 86.

Graham Fraser has beautifull­y edited and contextual­ised Scott’s diary. During his outstandin­g career as a national journalist and as official languages commission­er (from 2006 to 2016), Fraser worked tirelessly at interpreti­ng the country, aiming to bridge our solitudes. His introducto­ry and concluding sections on their own make this a valuable book. But it is Scott’s private words that will resonate for readers, demonstrat­ing yet again how Canada remains an experiment in linguistic and cultural diversity, unique in our world, still skating on thin ice.

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