Canadian Cycling Magazine

Break up your resolution


Still want to make a change in 2019? If you’re going to set a New Year’s resolution – and you should if you want to – don’t just make a list of a few basic, broad goals. Start with those broader resolution­s, and then break each into month-by-month steps. “Think about what you want to pull off by Dec. 31, and think about a monthly systematic plan to get there,” Marshall says. “Each month, set little steps, identify obstacles and figure out an implementa­tion process that makes sense for your life, in order to get through each month.”

“I’m not a killjoy. I won’t say toss the vision board, burn the dream journal,” concludes Marshall. “Set audacious goals, but come back to the mechanics. Have that slogan on your refrigerat­or, but spend your time on what the fourweek implementa­tion for that goal is, and stare at that on a regular basis. It’s way less sexy, but what’s even less sexy is getting to the end of January and already having given up on your resolution.”

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