Canadian Cycling Magazine

4 meditation techniques you can do right now


1 Take 10 deep breaths, focusing on a slow inhale and an even slower exhale.

2 Do your next mundane task mindfully as an exercise in getting present. Sweeping the garage? Focus on the feeling of steady motion, the smells in the garage, the temperatur­e of the air on your skin.

3 Do a full body scan. Tune in to how your body is feeling, starting at the tips of your toes and slowly working your way up to the crown of your head. If you notice tightness or soreness, file it away to come back to it later, but focus on the sensation of being present in your entire body.

4 Refocus your energy after lunch by setting a timer for two minutes, closing your eyes, sitting up at your desk or on the floor with your back straight and repeating the word “focus” (or choose a word that feels right for you) slowly in your head until your timer dings. Some people do better focusing (pun intended) on a word or mantra rather than trying to clear their minds or relax entirely.

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