Canadian Geographic

Knowledge keepers



AA NEW MAPPING PROJECT in Clyde River on the east coast of Baffin Island is bringing generation­s of Inuit knowledge and decades of science together at the click of a mouse. Clyde River’s Ittaq Heritage and Research Centre is creating an interactiv­e online atlas with help from the Geomatics and Cartograph­ic Research Centre at Carleton University. The atlas provides easy access to informatio­n that was previously hard to find or simply hadn’t been recorded, including scientific studies from the area and local knowledge about the environmen­t and wildlife habitat, history and place names. Over the centuries, Inuit have overlaid their land and sea ice with thousands of place names, most of which do not appear on any map. Knowing those names can be key to survival in emergencie­s such as a snowmobile breakdown in an isolated spot. “We use GPS and other devices,” says Mike Jaypoody, a researcher and IT technician at Ittaq, “but if they fail, you need to be able to radio your location to the community. Once they know the name of the place, the experts can tell you where to find shelter, where to find game and so on — and they know where to find if you need to be rescued.” The atlas, which the community will be able to access in late 2017, shows more than 300 place names in the Clyde River area, and adds more informatio­n that Jaypoody and his colleague Robert Kautuk have collected: videos of elders talking about the significan­ce of places, their important features and what they were used for in the past, as well as photos that younger people can use to familiariz­e themselves with these points on the landscape. “The map presents a huge amount of informatio­n in layers,” says Shari Fox Gearheard, a geographer and research scientist with Ittaq. “For instance, you can click on a narwhal migration route and then listen to a Clyde River hunter discuss why narwhals are important and how they behave. People in the community will be able to use the informatio­n in many ways — for planning, education and essential background when considerin­g proposals for developmen­t projects on their land.” The same mapping system is now being used in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, and in other Arctic Inuit and Alaskan Yupik communitie­s. Pond Inlet, at the northern end of Baffin Island, is planning a similar atlas, and Gearheard and her colleagues will be travelling there to teach people how to use the technology. “Ittaq is dedicated to Inuit leadership in research — true community-based research led and done by the community,” says Gearheard. “This is cuttingedg­e technology that’s supporting valuable Inuit knowledge.”

 ??  ?? Mike Jaypoody (left) records an interview on the land with Clyde River elder Aisa Piungituq, part of including his knowledge of regional place names in the atlas.
Mike Jaypoody (left) records an interview on the land with Clyde River elder Aisa Piungituq, part of including his knowledge of regional place names in the atlas.

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