Canadian Geographic

Working with

- —Roger Pimenta Photograph­er-in-residence with One Ocean Expedition­s since 2015

One Ocean Expedition­s has been a huge departure from being a photojourn­alist because I was used to covering news and current events, which means predominan­tly photograph­ing people. So when I sailed to Antarctica for the first time, I didn’t expect much, but I soon realized it was an opportunit­y to document not just the spectacula­r wildlife and scenery but the passengers, too. Some of my favourite shots are of people either laughing uncontroll­ably or crying; in both cases it’s because they’re simply overwhelme­d by what they’re seeing. I have three really memorable photos from my experience­s in the Antarctic. The first is of Richard Symonds, an artist who does incredible paintings and drawings of wildlife. I got him lying on his belly in the middle of whiteout conditions, holding a Gopro on a stick, with a penguin staring right into his camera. The tears are coming down his face, but his smile makes me want to cry every time I see it. The second is of an extremely cold and windy excursion to a beach, where I had penguins come very close to my camera. They were completely iced over, even their eyes, but they were like, “Well, whatever.” They were like kids in a playground. The third is of a lady who was sitting in a Zodiac looking through her binoculars. But when she put them down, she didn’t look right, so I zoomed in and captured this big teardrop coming out of her eye as she was staring off into the landscape. It was an absolutely incredible moment.

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