Canadian Living

Pop Mountain


Are artificial sweeteners more sickly than sweet?

Forget fatty burgers. The dieter’s worst frenemy, says writer Yuki Hayashi, is likely diet soda.

Recent studies – as well as some dating as far back as the 1980s – link artificial sweeteners (AS) such as aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal), cyclamate (Sweet’N Low, SugarTwin) and sucralose (Splenda) to overeating, obesity and even type 2 diabetes.

Linda Gillis, a registered dietitian and assistant clinical professor at McMaster University in Hamilton, says there are three unsavoury aspects of AS. First, by suppressin­g hunger, they may make us eat more. “Hormone signals in the gut tell you when you’re full,” she says. “Studies show that there’s no rise in hormones when consuming aspartame.”

Second, researcher­s think the hyperinten­se sweetness of AS may overstimul­ate taste receptors, causing a preference for unnaturall­y sugary flavours – to the exclusion of naturally sweet fare such as fruits and vegetables. Gillis says the research doesn’t point to a causal relationsh­ip. “It’s a chicken-and-egg dilemma: Do AS create a preference for overly sweet, high-calorie foods, or do we crave these artificial­ly sweet foods because we’re missing out on a healthy diet?”

Third, animal studies suggest AS may affect brain chemistry, altering serotonin levels and contributi­ng to sleep disturbanc­es. “Lack of sleep is even more harmful than low activity levels and unhealthy diet for maintainin­g a healthy body weight,” says Gillis. She avoids AS in her own diet. “I would not recommend them to anybody – diabetic or not,” she says.

But Angela Dufour, a registered dietitian and sports nutritioni­st in Bedford, N.S., disagrees. “Nonnutriti­ve sweeteners won’t affect blood glucose levels, so they’re useful in a diabetic diet,” she says. “Because they have zero calories, they can also be used for weight loss…as long as you’re not making up for a zero-calorie drink by consuming [high-calorie food] with it.”

Dufour is confident the Splenda she consumes is safe. “Extensive research is done to prove safety and effectiven­ess before Health Canada approves an AS for use,” she says, adding that Health Canada has set acceptable daily intake limits. For example, the daily limit of aspartame is 2,000 milligrams (a can of diet pop may contain 200 milligrams) and the limit of cyclamate is 550 milligrams (one packet of SugarTwin contains 264 milligrams).


There’s a lot of buzz around natural sweeteners such as stevia and agave, but are they any healthier?

Stevia, derived from the Stevia rebaudiana plant, is technicall­y an AS (like other non-nutritive sweeteners, it won’t affect blood sugar). Some people grow the plant and use its leaves to sweeten tea. While Health Canada has not given an official word on the safety of stevia leaves (because not enough research exists), it has approved the use of stevia leaves and extracts in some natural health products.

Agave nectar, which is refined from the Mexican agave cactus, is about 25 percent sweeter than sugar, but otherwise isn’t much different; agave has 60 calories per tablespoon versus the 45 calories in sugar.

Rather than seeking sugar alternativ­es, try cutting your consumptio­n of sweets – period. “If you fill up on nutrient-dense food that’s high in protein and fibre,” says Dufour, “you’ll be less likely to crave sweets.”

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