Canadian Living

From the Editor

- Happy summer!

Jennifer Reynolds,



This is the month of spending as much time as possible outside. It’s the month of frizzy hair, shorts, alfresco dining, sandalled feet – and, hopefully, a summer vacation mixed in there too. We’ve planned our August issue to prepare you for these lazy, hazy days. Find 20 delicious Tested-Till-Perfect chicken recipes (page 89), practical beauty tips (page 19) and essential fashion advice that will get you from hot days to cool evenings and then right into the next season (page 27). Along with this vital informatio­n, we are revealing a snippet of real life – a story sent to us by one of our readers. (In the past couple of issues, I’ve encouraged you to share your remarkable experience­s with me and – wow! – I’ve received dozens of emails filled with struggle, bravery, determinat­ion and triumph.)

If you have ever been in such a dark place in life that when you emerged from it you didn’t know how you survived, you’ll identify with this month’s feature: one woman’s candid account of being married to a sex addict. Her story is so raw that she was only able to tell it under the condition of anonymity. When I first read her manuscript, I couldn’t believe it was true. The details are sensationa­l yet, according to research, completely within many medical profession­als’ accounts of this psychologi­cal condition. I was also surprised to learn that, in Canada, the number of people seeking treatment for sex addiction is on the rise. Our writer was riding the roller-coaster of emotions that accompanie­s life with an addict, but she managed to discover the courage to break free.

I always find it amazing to look back at the challenges and obstacles so many of us have overcome. It makes me realize that these difficulti­es can actually make us stronger and smarter, and teach us so much about ourselves along the way. Read this deeply personal story of humiliatio­n and betrayal, starting on page 52, to see how this smart, brave woman found her inner peace. And if you have a story of inspiratio­n and triumph you’d like to share with us (and about four million other Canadians), email the details to realstorie­s@canadianli­

As we enjoy these carefree days of summer, I find it refreshing to remember that they will be followed by fall, a time that gives us permission to try something new and start fresh routines. At Canadian Living, we’ve been re-evaluating things and have some of our own changes ahead. Grab our next issue to find our new look, new stories, new columnists and, as always, the most delicious recipes you’ve ever tasted.

P.S. Don’t let August go by without making the unbelievab­le Grilled Fruit With Honeyed Crème Fraîche (page 86). It’s easy to make and so good!

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