Canadian Living


Learn how the virtues of essential oils can improve your health and beauty


We’re always on the hunt for well-rounded products that can make us look great on the outside, while nurturing us on the inside, and many essential oils can do just that. Whether you suffer from eczema or acne or want to improve the health of your hair and nails, you can benefit from the endless virtues of essential oils.

essential oils that have been used for centuries are now becoming well known and widely used for their health benefits. They’re commonly used in aromathera­py—the treatment of ailments using scent—and can be deployed in three ways: by diffusing, inhaling or topical applicatio­n. “The preferred method depends on the objective of the treatment,” explains Jean Colas, former premier vice-president of marketing and sales at Lotus Aroma. If you want to strengthen your brittle nails or soothe a sunburn, apply the oil directly on the affected area. If your nose is stuffed, diffusing or inhaling something like eucalyptus oil or peppermint oil is the way to go. Though there’s a myriad of uses for essential oils, there are precaution­s that need to be taken. “In general, follow the dosages and administra­tive instructio­ns on the packaging diligently,” cautions Isabelle Pacchioni, cofounder of natural health-care and beauty company Puressenti­el. It’s important to know that not all essential oils are suited for everyone (or all age groups), and many should not be used by pregnant or breastfeed­ing women. If you have any doubts, ask a health-care specialist to advise you.

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