Canadian Running

How To Fix Shin Splints.

Newbies and veterans alike suffer from this mysterious lower leg ailment. Learn how they occur and how to fix them

- By Dr. Brittany Moran

The technical term for shin splints is medial tibial stress syndrome. Shin splints most commonly happen when the tibialis posterior (muscle on the inside of your shin bone – touch it, it may hurt) pulls on the tibia (your shin bone). The tibialis posterior’s main function is to support the medial arch of the foot and the muscle itself is deep under your big calf muscles. When this happens, it can create a stress reaction along with inf lammation on the bone. This is a continuum and can progress to become a more serious injury such as a stress fracture of the tibia. Shin splints should not be taken lightly.

There are many factors that could be the culprit of your shin splints. The main ones include technique f laws, strength issues and training errors.

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