Canadian Running

Champion Chickpeas

Some highly nutritious, plant-based comfort food to fuel your fall training

- By Kim Doerksen

Chickpeas, li ke most legumes, are incredibly versatile, and they are full of vitamins, minerals, protein and fibre. This means that not only are they extremely nutritious, but they are also excellent for keeping you full—plus they have a low glycemic index, which is helpful in regulating blood sugar levels. Unlike other legumes, chickpeas contain a ll essential amino acids except methionine. They are quite the superhero legume!

Chickpeas can be used to create sweets, but they are primarily used in savoury meals, such as curries and other flavourful, spicy dishes. These hearty vegetarian meals provide comfort on a cold day and excellent nutrition to fuel your fall training. Serve the chickpea lentil soup and Moroccan stew, below, with a loaf of the freshest bread (ideally sourdough), and dig in.

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