Canadian Running



Sign up early

This race isn’t small due to lack of interest; it’s small because it needs to be for safety. So mark your calendar for Jan. 5. When registrati­on opens, it fills up within hours. Camping and cabins also book up early in Manning Park, so make a note to book your lodging early, as well.— Erik Bird

Prep for hills

It’s important to get your climbing legs good and ready. With the 120-mile distance, there aren’t many super-steep climbs; however, you will encounter long, sustained climbs of up to 1,500 metres at a time.

And then there are the equally taxing downhills, so having strong, conditione­d legs will benefit you greatly.— Kevin Barata

Get strong

Make sure you spend some time on your core and upper body. The pack with all the mandatory gear is extremely heavy, and after 20-plus hours of running, your shoulders might hurt more than your legs.— Ihor Verys

Prepare for temperatur­e shifts

It gets cold at night up in the mountains. This year, it went from almost 30 C to almost freezing. That’s why we have mandatory gear runners need to carry, so that everyone is ready for it.— Erik Bird

Plan to keep moving

Even the aid stations are mostly located in remote areas, so getting out mid-race isn’t easy. Study the course, and know which aid stations have easy exits, rather than thinking about dropping out at any given aid station. It’s better to assume you just have to keep going.— Matt Cecill

Chunk it up

The 120-mile distance was a bit too far to comprehend, so breaking the course up into smaller chunks was really useful for approachin­g the distance. I divided the 120 miles into three 60-km sections with a bonus 20-km section at the end.— Kate Butcher

Prepare mentally

Know that the sun will rise and that brighter times (literally and figurative­ly) are ahead during the long overnight in the alpine. It helped me knowing that once the sun rose, I’d get a second wind. The sunrise is a welcome wakeup from a sleepy and cold night, and knowing you won’t likely have to endure another long and cold night of running is motivating!— Kevin Barata

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