Cape Breton Post

Stem cells and their current use

- Dr. Paul Donohue Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporat­e them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletter­s at PO Box 536475, Orlando, FL

Dear Dr. Donohue: Since starting to clip your articles, I haven’t found any that deal with using adult stem cells for breakthrou­gh treatments, such as repairing heart damage. Will you elaborate on what kind of damage adult stem cells help? Could they help if one needs an aortic valve replacemen­t? — A.R.

ANSWER: Stem cells are primitive cells that have the potential of spawning mature cells that carry out specific bodily functions, like skin cells, liver cells, lung cells, heart muscle cells, and on and on. Embryonic stem cells have the greatest potential for differenti­ating into any of the many varieties of cells that make up all body organs, structures and tissues.

Hematopoie­tic stem cells are recovered from the bone marrow and, to a lesser extent, the circulatin­g blood. They have been and are being used to restore the bone marrow’s capability of generating blood cells. They’re often used in certain leukemias when the bone marrow is deliberate­ly destroyed to disrupt the multiplyin­g of leukemia cells.

A special kind of stem cell was produced only a few years ago. It’s called an induced pluripoten­t stem cell. It is derived from a skin cell that has been geneticall­y manipulate­d to perform very much like an embryonic stem cell. It has the capability of transformi­ng into many other kinds of body cells. This kind of stem cell has been experiment­ally used in animals to restore heart function to hearts that have suffered a heart attack. Widespread use in the treatment of adults has not taken place.

At the present time, no stem cell therapy has been used in replacing a heart valve. Stem cell research proceeds at a rapid pace. Valve replacemen­t might be feasible in the future, but it’s not at the present time. DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I would like to know the risk of having a stroke when a carotid artery has a blockage. I was told that doctors don’t go by percentage of blockage now. How is the risk determined? — K.C.

ANSWER: An obstructio­n in the carotid artery, the neck artery that supplies the brain with blood, is not the only cause of a stroke. A piece of a blood clot that has broken off of a main clot elsewhere in the body and been swept into a brain artery is another cause of stroke. I mention this to keep it clear that a blocked carotid is but one risk for a stroke.

The doctors I know still use percentage of reduction in the interior of a carotid artery as a criterion of stroke risk. With a 60 per cent to 70 per cent or greater narrowing of the carotid artery, people benefit from the opening up of the artery, using a variety of procedures. Some experts feel that a 60 per cent narrowing requires only blood-thinning medication, such as aspirin. Others feel that surgical removal of the blockage is indicated.

Other factors have to be considered: the patient’s age, the patient’s wishes and the patient’s health problems unrelated to the artery problem.

The booklet on stroke gives timely informatio­n on this dreaded cause of death and disability. Readers can obtain a copy by writing: Dr. Donohue, No. 902, Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclose a cheque or money order (no cash) for $6 Can. with the recipient’s printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery. DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I am an 85year-old female, and my doctor has suggested a colonoscop­y. I find it a degrading test. The doctor didn’t say why I needed it. Should a woman my age have it? — K.C.

ANSWER: The American College of Physicians recommends against screening colonoscop­ies for people 75 and older or for those people with a life expectancy of less than 10 years. Some add that screening can be stopped only if prior colonoscop­ies have been normal. No one I know recommends screening at 85.

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